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94020-0337 USA
2025 SEEDLIST Vegetable Seed A - D
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Bulk Seed
Offered here are only open-pollinated, non-F-l hybrid,
non-patented vegetable seeds. I stress traditional and heirloom varieties, and
have noted in the descriptions how long many kinds have been cultivated. The
test of quality is time. You can be certain these time-honored varieties, many
of which have been continuously grown for a century or more, and are still
successfully competing with the modern hybrids, have proven themselves reliable
and productive in a wide variety of climates and soils.
We do not distribute Genetically-engineered seeds (GE, Transgenics, GMOs).
All seeds in this catalog are Public Domain seeds.
There has been a lot of attention in the press in recent years to 'heirloom'
or 'traditional' varieties, yet many people are unclear as to just what these
terms mean. Since I find no universally accepted definitions among seedsmen and
preservation workers, here are the meanings of the terms as I use them:
TRADITIONAL VARIETIES: Any variety developed more than 50 years ago.
Includes many commercially developed and distributed varieties.
HEIRLOOM VARIETIES: Any variety that owes its existence to its
preservation by home gardeners or private individuals, rather than the seed
trade. This includes old varieties whose origin is unknown which have been
passed down from generation to generation, as well as old varieties developed by
seedsmen which at some point were dropped by the seed trade and would have been
lost had they not been maintained by home gardeners.
GSI = Garden Seed Inventory.
OG = Organically Grown.
—Amaranth Elephant Head. (=Amaranth Greek) (500) VAMA-EH. Packet: $2.50 OTC
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Amaranthus gangeticus. Huge maroon flowerheads with a long,
trunk-like spike, resembling an elephant head. Robust 1 - 4 foot plants. Brought
by German immigrants in the 1880s. Seed organically grown by Shoulder to
Shoulder Farm. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Amaranth Gold Seed. (500) VAMA-GS. Packet: $2.50
An old type with light golden-tan seeds. A multi-purpose crop, producing leaves
for spinach and nutritious grain. To about 5 feet, with green flower heads.
Cover seed, needs darkness to sprout.
—Amaranth Hopi Red Dye. (500) VAMA-HO. Packet: $2.50 ORGANIC
10 grams: $7.50
Deep purple-red plants to 4 - 6 feet tall, large and vigorous. Leaves are
good greens when young, and the black seeds as grain. The Hopi use the plants to
make a ceremonial red dye. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks, GA-3 helps.
OTHER AMARANTH: see: Amaranthus in Seedlist
ARTICHOKE: See Specialty
ARUGULA: See Specialty
Ocimum Basilicum. Aromatic tender annuals grown
in the herb garden for their value as seasoning and fragrance. The leaves are
widely used in sauces and soups, the flavor blending particularly well with
tomatoes. The clove-like fragrance has been considered soothing, and a cure for
nervous headaches. Basil tea is said to calm an upset stomach. Start seed
indoors 6 - 8 weeks before last frost, and plant out after all danger of frost
is past. Thin to 6" apart. Basil likes full sun, and all types do well in
pots. Harvest fresh leaves anytime. For drying, cut just before it reaches full
bloom. Seed viable 8 - 10 years. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Basil Cinnamon. (1000) OCIM-1C. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
1/4 Pound: $22.00
'CINNAMON BASIL'. Spicy aroma, purple flowers, to 30". A fine variety.
Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Basil Dwarf Greek. (1000) OCIM-1DG. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
1/4 Pound: $25.00
Compact bushy plants with small, intensely fragrant leaves. Perfect for
window-boxes and borders. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Basil Large Sweet. (1000) OCIM-1S. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $9.00
The most popular and widely grown variety. Sweet and aromatic 2 - 3"
leaves. To 1 - 2 feet tall.
—Basil Lime. (=Ocimum americanum). (500) OCIM-1L. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $18.00
'LIME BASIL'. Has a zesty lime flavor.
—Basil 'Siam Queen'. (500) OCIM-1SQ. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $7.50
Info and photos: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/48849/
Flavorful Thai basil with an anise-clove flavor. To 14", with
attractive dark flower spikes. AAS 1997. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Basil Holy Basil. (Ocimum sanctum) (1000) OCIM-24. Packet: $2.50 OTC
1/4 Ounce: $10.00
Ounce: $30.00
'HOLY BASIL', 'TULSI'. Sweetly fragrant bushy perennial to 1 - 3 feet, grown
as an annual in cold climates. Profuse purple or white bloom, and sometimes
purplish-tinted foliage. Tropical Asia. Held sacred by the Hindus and grown
around temples. Sections of the stem-bases are used in rosaries. The leaves are
used in salads, and the oil is an effective antibiotic, and the leaves are used
medicinally. Nice, distinctive clove-like flavor, good in cooking, salads, or
for tea. Good in herb breads and herb butters. Good bee plant. Germinates in 1 -
4 weeks. Light and KNO3 helps. Organically grown.
USDA Germination Standard: 70%.
Pole Bean Varieties:
Sow in hills 3 feet apart, planting 6 or 7 seeds per hill, 1" deep. Stake
with 6 foot poles set in a tripod over each hill. When seedlings are 2 - 3"
high, thin to the 3 or 4 best plants. Pole beans bear later than bush types, but
give a higher yield over a longer period. Most can be picked continually until
—Bean Cherokee Trail of Tears. (50) VBEA-CT. Packet: $2.50
Beautiful black beans, originally from Dr. John Wyche, whose Cherokee
ancestors brought this bean over the brutal forced winter march from the Smoky
Mountains in fall of 1838, ending in spring 1839 in Oklahoma. Four thousand
Cherokee died on this march, which is now known as the Trail of Tears. Slender
green pods with purple blush. Excellent for fresh snap beans or dry soup beans.
—Bean Mrs. T's Ukrainian. (10) VBEA-MT.
Packet: $2.50
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Beautiful shiny round beans are bicolored, half deep maroon, almost black,
half white with a few tiny speckles, produced abundantly on tall vines. Brought
to Canada from the Ukraine and shared around the Ukrainian community in Alberta
by Mrs. T., where they are valued for their delicious flavor as a soup bean,
eaten at the traditional Christmas Eve dinner.
NEW—Bean Scott's. (10) VBEA-SCT. Packet: $2.50
A unique bean sent to us by Betty Crowder, who said "I call them Scott's Beans, as the original handful came from my friend Scott, about 10 years ago. He had gotten them from his dad, who grew them in the Fresno area and in Idaho. They do well here on the mountain at 2500 ft. The beans are green, about 3 inches long, very tasty and tender, great
sautéed in butter or chopped raw in salads. The seeds sprout readily, in pots or outdoors in warm soil. They are eager climbers, need a trellis. I preserve them by freezing."—Betty Crowder, 2022.
Bush Bean Varieties:
After all danger of frost is past, sow in rows 15 - 18" apart, 4 -
6" apart in the row. Seed does not germinate well in cold soil, so it is
best to wait for warm weather to plant.
NEW—Bean Borlotti. (35) VBEA-BOR. Packet: $2.50
1/4 pound: $10.00
Light brown beans marked maroon, eaten fresh or dried. A favorite in Turkey and Italy, cooked into creamy soups or stews with a rich delicious flavor. Also called
Barbunya and Cranberry Bean.
Bush type.
—Bean Dragon Tongue Wax. (40) VBEA-DT. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Pound: $6.00
Pound: $10.00
Pretty wax bean from Holland, with slender 6 - 8" creamy yellow beans
marked with delicate purple stripes. Tender snap beans when young, or use for
shell beans when the stripes turn red. Ripe dry beans good for soups.
—Bean Gold Rush. (50) VBEA-GR. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Pound: $5.00
Pound: $12.00 This Unit OUT OF STOCK -
packets and 1/4 pounds are still available
Along-time favorite, sturdy bushes produce clusters of bright yellow wax beans,
crisp and tasty.
—Bean Painted Pony. (50) VBEA-PP. Packet: $2.50 ORGANIC
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Great for both fresh snap beans or dried for soup beans. Long slender bright
green pods, mature beans pretty brown and white, keeping their color after
cooking. Bush type. Organically grown.
—Bean Royalty Purple Pod. (50) VBEA-RP. Packet: $2.50
Pound: $7.00
Bushy purple plants with purple flowers and 5" bright purple pods. Very
tender and tasty, turning green when cooked. Germinates fine in cold wet soil.
Introduced in 1957.
—Bean Whipple. (25) VBEA-WP. Packet: $2.50 OTC
1/4 Pound: $6.00
Family heirloom from the Willamette Valley in Oregon, this is a dry bean for
soups and stews. Beans are dark purple-red with white markings, and incredibly
flavorful. Bushy plants with an occasional runner. Organically grown.
Other Types of Beans:
—Bean Fava Red Epicure. (10) VBEA-FR. Packet: $3.50
1/4 pound: $20.00 (about 80 - 90 seed)
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Large red beans that dry to burgundy, on a vigorous plant to 5 feet. Said by
fava enthusiasts to be the best-flavored variety, tasting like chestnuts. "For
sheer flavor, there is no broadbean equal to this."—Facciola. Rarely
seen outside Britain, this is the true Red Epicure, with large white flowers
with a black spot. Red flowered plants are other types.
—Bean Fava Sweet Lorane. (30) VBEA-FSL. Packet: $2.50 OTC
1/4 pound: $8.00
Small-seeded light colored beans bred for low tannin and sweet flavor.
Re-selected by Alan Adesse to recover the best color and taste, Sweet Lorane can
be eaten fresh like chickpeas or dried for soup. Very cold hardy and good
nitrogen fixer. Organic.
—Bean Garbanzo Green Channa. (50) VBEA-GG. Packet: $1.50
Pound: $6.00
Cicer arietinum. An unusual garbanzo from India, with small,
moss-green beans. They turn brown when cooked, with lots of flavor.
—Bean Garbanzo Kala Channa. (50) VBEA-GK. Packet: $2.00
Pound: $6.00
Cicer arietinum. A small, brown-seeded chick pea from India.
Excellent for home gardens, good in dry, short-season areas. Not suited to cool
coastal zones. Widely eaten in India fresh or dried, parched for snacks, ground
into flour for sauces, pancakes, noodles, etc. An ancient snack food:
Xenophanes, in the 6th century BC, spoke of "...drinking sweet wine and
crunching chickpeas..."
—Bean Sunset Runner. (20) VBEA-SUN. Packet: $3.50
1/4 pound: $15.00
This unusual runner bean is grown as much for the lovely peach-colored
flowers as for the tasty pods. Vines reach 6 feet, bearing abundant short pods.
Great fresh, frozen, or canned, and also used for dry shell beans.
Beets are a good cool weather crop, and can be sown as
early as soil can be worked. Sow 1/2" deep in rows 1 foot apart. Thin to
4", using the tender seedlings as early greens. A rich, light sandy loam,
kept moist, is best for growing crisp, tender beets.
USDA Germination Standard: 65%.
—Beet Albino. (50) VBEE-AL. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $20.00
Pure white, round sweet beets. Never messy, no stains. Absolutely delicious.
—Beet Bull's Blood. (100) VBEE-BB. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $15.00
Strikingly beautiful deep blood-red-purple leaves with a wonderful sweet
flavor. Dark red round roots are sweet and tasty, and the juice is used to make
the only legal red food coloring in Sweden.
—Beet Chioggia. (50) VBEE-C. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Round, flattened beets have striking red and white rings inside, and a sweet
mild flavor. One of the finest beets for fresh eating or pickling. Italian
heirloom, introduced to America in the 1840s.
—Beet Golden Detroit. (100) VBEE-GD. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $20.00
Round orange-gold beets stay sweet even when large. Tender, mild- flavored,
and good for pickling.
—Beet Sugar Beet. (100) VBEE-SU. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $22.50
Pound: $48.00
Grown for the abundant leaves and the sweet whitish roots with a high sugar
content. Roots about 8" long, weighing 2 - 5 pounds. Delicious cooked half
and half with potatoes, and the leaves are excellent cooked like other beet
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. Sow in early
spring for summer harvest, or in early fall for late fall or winter crop.
Broccoli is a cool weather crop, and seeds may be started early indoors, setting
out 2 - 3 weeks before last spring frost. Space 1 1/2 feet apart, in rows 2 feet
apart. Likes full sun and a rich, moist well drained soil. Broccoli in the diet
helps protect the body from damage due to high doses of X-rays.
USDA Germination Standard: 75%.
—Broccoli Calabrese. (500) VBRO-C. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
(=Early Italian Green Sprouting) 80 days. Introduced to the U.S. by Italian
gardeners around the turn of the century, this variety produces 4 - 6"
central heads of a deep blue-green color. Once the center head is cut, tender
side shoots are produced in abundance for several months. In areas with a cool,
mild climate year-round it may become perennial, giving an almost constant crop
of sprouts of excellent flavor. "The Broccoli Early Italian made it
through the drought and I was munching on it in December till a heavy ice killed
it. It was a pretty big bush!"—D. Gyula, NJ, 1/96.
—Broccoli De Ciccio.
(800) VBRO-DC. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
European type from 1890, producing many side shoots over a long season after
the large central head is cut. Less uniform and more productive than hybrids,
this is great for home gardens.
—Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting. (150) VBRO-PS. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $12.00
Bushy purple plants bred to grow slowly over winter to produce in spring a
loose central head and abundant tender side-shoots. Purple shoots great in
salads, raw with dip, or lightly cooked. Sow in fall for a spring harvest.
Extremely hardy—with some protection it may overwinter in the Midwest.
—Broccoli Romanesco. (150) VBRO-RO. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $12.00
Amazing apple-green spiral heads, often blushed violet. Unique flavor and
appearance, delicious lightly braised with olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice.
We call it 'Mandelbroccoli, the Fractal Vegetable', because each small part is a
copy of the whole.
Brassica oleracea var. gemnifera. An excellent
cold weather crop, Brussels Sprouts may be sown in spring as early as soil can
be worked, or in late summer for fall harvest. Transplant in rows 3 feet apart,
setting plants 1 1/2 feet apart in the row. Breaking off the lower leaves as the
sprouts develop will encourage a heavier yield.
USDA Germination Standard: 70%.
—Brussels Sprouts Catskill. (1000) VBRU-CS. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
An old-fashioned dwarf type to 2 feet tall, producing heavy yields of large deep
green sprouts. Introduced commercially in 1941.
—Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved. (500) VBRU-L. Packet: $1.50
90 days. An old favorite variety, early and very productive. Compact plants
20" tall, the stems tightly covered with round, firm, dark green sprouts.
Well-known for its fine flavor, heavy yields and hardiness.
Brassica oleracea var. capitata. Cabbage grows
best in cool weather, in a deep, heavy, rich, loamy soil. Start indoors in early
spring, planting out in 4 - 6 weeks, as soon as soil can be worked. Space plants
1 1/2 feet apart in rows 3 feet apart. For fall or winter harvest, sow seed
directly to the garden 2 - 3 months before first frost.
USDA Germination Standard: 75%.
—Cabbage All Seasons. (1000) VCAB-AL. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Large, broad, flattened heads, very solid, reaching 10 - 14 pounds.
Tolerates hot dry weather. Stores well and great for sauerkraut. Origin about
—Cabbage Brunswick. (1000) VCAB-B. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Hard to find old-fashioned drumhead type, to 6 - 9 pounds. Very reliable
even in cold summers. Broad flat heads store well. Makes good sauerkraut. "The
Brunswick cabbages were so huge I couldn't cut the last few. Needed an
axe."—A.G., Quebec.
—Cabbage Early Round Dutch. (1000) VCAB-ERD. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Compact plants produce solid round green 2 - 5 pound heads. Fine flavor and slow
to bolt.
—Cabbage Red Acre. (500) VCAB-RA. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $8.00
Solid round red-purple heads weighing 2 - 4 pounds. Compact, sure-heading,
good for storage.
Daucus carota var. sativa. For earliest crop,
sow as soon as ground can be worked, in rows 1 - 1 1/2 feet apart, thinning to 2
- 4" apart in the row, according to variety. For succession, sow at
intervals through mid-summer. A rich, sandy loam is best, but any good,
well-cultivated soil will produce satisfactory crops.
USDA Germination Standard: 55%.
—Carrot Atomic Red. (100) VCAR-AT. Packet: $2.50
1 Ounce: $10.00
Deep crimson 8" carrots, slender and tapered. Both the scarlet color and
the flavor intensify when cooked. High in lycopene, which may help prevent
cancer. Mom was right, carrots are good for you!
—Carrot Black Nebula. (250) VCAR-BN. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $6.00
Ounce: $12.00
Deep dark purple all the way through, no orange center. Long and slender, with
delicious flavor, and keeps its color when cooked.
—Carrot Cosmic Purple. (150) VCAR-CP. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $10.00
Striking dark purple skin and bright orange interior make this carrot a real
eye-catcher. Good for farmer's markets. Slender, tapered 7" carrots. Sweet
flavor and amazing color which remains after cooking. A favorite of children
—Carrot Danvers Half Long. (1000) VCAR-D. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
Bright orange almost coreless carrots, 8" long, tapering to a blunt
end. Excellent high-yielding type for clay or heavy soils. Sweet and tender,
stores for months. Introduced in 1871, has remained a popular variety for over a
hundred years.
—Carrot Kuroda. (1000) VCAR-KU. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $12.00
Deep orange Asian variety. Sweet, tender, and excellent for juicing. Heat
tolerant, good in warm climates.
—Carrot Little Finger. (1000) VCAR-LF. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $15.00
Click for photo »
"I began planting the Little Finger Carrots in the greenhouse in
February. I planted a gallon pot every week with 8 - 12 seeds. The Little Finger
Carrots are being harvested now for my 88 year old employer's salads."—Lynn
Gourmet baby carrot, developed in France for early harvest in 6 - 10 weeks.
Slender 3" roots with almost no core, smooth skin, and dark orange color.
Tender and sweet, used whole for dipping, stir frying, roasting, salads, etc. In
France they are favorites for pickling or canning.
—Carrot Parisian. (1000) VCAR-PA. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: 6.00
1/4 Pound: $16.00
Unusual French heirloom from the 1800s, with small round deep orange roots
about the size of a golf ball. Great flavor and stores well.
NEW—Carrot Pulsar Pink. (200) VCAR-PUL. Packet $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $6.00
Ounce: $15.00
Slender tapering 10-inch carrots, deep rosy-pink, some with an orange blush. Sweet and crisp, holds color when cooked. Unusual color, great for farmer's market sales.
—Carrot Scarlet Nantes. (1000) VCAR-SN. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Long, cylindrical roots to 7", with bright orange color and almost no
core. An old favorite for its sweet flavor and fine grained flesh, one of the
best for juicing. Colors early for baby carrots. Excellent keeper; can be
harvested all winter if left in the ground with a good layer of mulch.
Brassica oleracea var. botryis. Cauliflower is fairly hardy, best sown in
summer for a fall or winter crop. Requires rich soil and constant moisture, and
should be spaced 2 - 2 1/2 feet apart. When heads begin to form, wrap the leaves
over the heads and tie together to blanch them.
USDA Germination Standard: 75%.
—Cauliflower Violet Queen. (100) VCAU-VQ.
Packet: $3.00
1/4 Ounce: $20.00
Highly productive variety with deep purple heads. Delicious raw with dip or in
salads. Tasty when cooked, though the color changes to green. Prefers heavy
alkaline soil.
Apium graveolens var. dulce. Prefers a cool,
extended season for best growth. A good summer or fall crop for the North,
spring and winter in the South. Likes a very moist rich soil with good drainage.
Start seed in flats and transplant out when 2 - 3" tall. Space 6"
apart in rows 1 foot apart. Keep constantly moist, in full sun. May be blanched
by tying the leaves together and gradually covering with soil to within a few
inches of the top. Surface sow.
USDA Germination Standard: 55%.
—Celery Chinese Pink. (300) VCEL-CP. Packet: $3.00 ORGANIC
Vibrant candy-pink slender stems, green leaves. A classic Chinese celery with
strong flavor—not eaten raw but used in stir-fry, soups, and stews. Good eaten
young as an herb, like cilantro or parsley. Organic.
NEW—Celery Redpar. (300) VCEL-RP. Packet: $2.50 ORGANIC
A cutting or leaf celery, with slender red stems and deep green feathery leaves. Easier and faster-growing than regular celery, with a strong aromatic flavor. Chopped leaves used like parsley for stews, soups, casseroles, etc. Good fresh or dried, and the seeds are used as
seasoning in their own right. A fine variety bred by Frank Morton from a cross of his Redventure with Parcel, a fancy-leaf type. Organic.
—Celery Redventure (=Giant Red Reselection). (500) VCEL-R. Packet: $3.00 OTC
1/4 Ounce: $9.00
Tall green stalks blushed deep red, with rosy-yellow hearts. More flavorful than
green celery. Cold hardy. Organically grown.
"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because if there be one,
He must approve the homage of Reason rather than that of blindfolded fear."—Thomas
Anthriscus cerefolium. Hardy annual herb of the
parsley family, with a caraway/cucumber flavor that blends well with fish, eggs,
and meat. Good in soups, salads and herb butters. Cold hardy; sow in late summer
or early spring, thin to 8" apart. Reaches 1 1/2 feet in height. Surface
sow, needs light to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Chervil Plain Leaf. (500) VCHE-PL. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00 BULK OUT OF STOCK
Broad, flat, light green leaves with a distinctive parsley-anise flavor.
Used as a spring herb in soups and salads, and as a garnish with fish, meats, and
eggs. Used extensively in Europe, it is blended with chives and marjoram in fines
herbes mixes. To 1 1/2 feet. Good in pots.
CHIVES: See Specialty
COLLARDS: See Specialty
CORN (Maize)
Zea Mays. Excellent corn can be raised in any
good garden soil, but rich loam is best. Keep moist. Sow seed after all danger
of frost is past. Plant 4 - 6 seeds 2 - 3" deep in hills 3 - 4 feet apart
each way. When seedlings are 4" tall thin to the 2 most vigorous plants.
May also be planted in rows, 1 foot apart in the row. Corn does not pollinate
fully if planted in a single row; best in blocks.
The three types of commonly grown corn are: Sweet Corn, Field Corn, and Popcorn.
USDA Germination Standard: 75%.
Sweet Corn Varieties:
Sweet corn has a higher sugar content and less starch than the others, and
is generally eaten fresh after boiling or steaming the ears for a few minutes.
Ears are harvested before full maturity, when the kernels are very tender.
NEW—Corn Chires Baby. (25) VCOR-CB. Packet: $2.50
Slender little ears to only 3 - 4" long, with tiny orange-red kernels.
The tender young ears are eaten whole, cob and all. Best picked within 5 days
after the silk appears. Wonderful pickles, or added to stir-fry or soups.
Freezes well.
—Corn Country Gentleman. (100) VCOR-CG. Packet: $2.00
1/4 Pound: $6.00
Pound: $14.00
White sweet corn with tender milky kernels. A shoepeg type, the kernels are not
in rows, but are tightly and irregularly packed on the cob. Bred and released by
Frank Woodruff in 1890, becoming one of the most popular white sweet corns for
—Corn Golden Bantam. (100) VCOR-GB. Packet: $2.00
1/2 Pound: $15.00
75 days. Early 8-rowed variety with plump, sweet golden kernels on 7 inch
ears. To 6 feet. A favorite home garden variety since 1900.
Field Corn Varieties:
Field corn has more starch and is drier and less sweet than the other types,
often with very large, flat, broad kernels. They are used after drying for meal,
flour, hominy and fodder. Harvested when the ears are fully mature and the husks
are dry. Most of the maize varieties grown by the American Indians were of this
type. I have come to like field corn for on-the-cob eating, preferring its
robust, hearty qualities. It is especially good Central American style, roasted
over an open fire, and rubbed with a lime dipped in chili powder and salt.
—Corn Hopi Blue. (50) VCOR-HB. Packet: $2.00
1/2 Pound: $10.00
Ancient flint corn traditionally grown by the Hopi people in what is now
Arizona. Dark blue kernels on large ears, produced on bushy 5 foot tall plants.
Extremely drought tolerant and hardy. Ground into flour for making piki
bread, or parched for stews, etc.
Popcorn Varieties:
Popcorns are smaller than other types, and are harvested after the cobs have
dried on the stalks. Valued for its ability to pop when heated, it has been
regarded as a festive food since ancient times.
—Popcorn Green Harvest. (100) VCOR-GH. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Striking ornamental with 4" ears with deep rich green kernels. Also
great for popping.
—Popcorn Pennsylvania Dutch Butter. (75) VCOR-PND. Packet: $2.00 ORGANIC
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Heirloom grown since the 1880s, with melt-in-your-mouth tenderness and rich
flavor—absolutely one of the best-tasting popcorns you can find. Plump white
kernels on 4 - 6" ears. In Italy, popcorn is ground for meal, and this
variety makes especially good white polenta. Organic seed.
CORN SALAD (also called Mache or Lamb's Lettuce)
Valerianella olitoria. A small, quick-growing
annual for fall, winter and spring use. Forms rosettes of tender, deep green
leaves which are delicious in salads or lightly cooked and served like spinach.
Sow in early spring and again in fall. Treat like lettuce, spacing plants 3 -
4" apart. During very cold weather, a light covering of straw will preserve
the plants for early salad greens. Germinates best at cool temperatures.
USDA Germination Standard: 70%.
—Corn Salad. (1000) VCOS-CS. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
Compact rosettes of delicate, glossy green leaves with a mild, nutty flavor.
Small-leaved succulent herbs with a spicy, peppery
flavor that goes well in salads mixed with milder greens. Sow in spring,
allowing close growth in rows 1 foot apart. Prefers moist soil. Seed sprouts
quickly, and may be sown successively every few days until the beginning of hot
weather, and again in late summer. Easily grown vitamin-rich greens.
—Cress Upland or Winter Cress. (1000) VCRE-U. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $9.00
Barbarea verna. Round leaves similar to watercress, with a pleasantly
warm flavor. Not aquatic, it grows well on dry land. Good pot herb. Does not
require succession sowings. Surface sow, light helps. USDA Germination Standard:
—Cress Wrinkled Crinkled. (500) VCRE-WC. Packet: $2.50 ORGANIC
1/4 ounce: $7.50
Crinkled, curled, and savoyed leaves add spice and body to salads and
stir-fries. Holds up better than other cress, with the same peppery tang. Nice
addition to salad and braising mixes. Organically-grown.
Cucumis sativus. Sow in late spring or early summer in
hills 4 feet apart. Plant 8 - 10 seeds per hill. Thin to the 3 or 4 best plants.
May be sown early in pots, 4 - 6 weeks before planting out. When transplanting,
take care not to disturb the roots. Will produce all abundance of fruit in any
good garden soil. Pick cucumbers when dark green, before fully ripened and
yellow, or they will die back. Wet soil prevents germination.
USDA Germination Standard: 80%.
—Cucumber Armenian Green. (50) VCUC-AG. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $12.00
Long slender pale green cucumbers, ribbed and curving, with a thin, tender skin—needs
no peeling. Said to have been brought to Italy from Armenia in 1400. Crisp and
mild, one of the best for salads.
—Cucumber Brown Russian. (50) VCUC-BRR. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $8.00
1/4 Pound: $20.00
Click for photo »
Everyone who grows this says it is the strangest looking and best tasting
cucumber on the planet. Ukrainian heirloom with distinctive brown netted skin
and crisp white flesh. Mellow flavor, never harsh or bitter, best at 5 -
7". Hardy and prolific.
—Cucumber Crystal Apple. (50) VCUC-CR. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
Small oval cucumbers, white to pale yellow, crisp, juicy, and tender. Said
to have come from Australia or New Zealand in the 1920s or 1930s.
—Cucumber Improved Long Green. (50) VCUC-IM. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Introduced in 1842, this fine variety has been a favorite in home gardens
for over 150 years. Medium-green 10" fruits with few seeds, crisp and
flavorful. Dependable and high yielding, good for both pickles and slicing.
—Cucumber Marketmore 76. (100) VCUC-MKT.
Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 pound: $12.00 BULK OUT OF STOCK - packets are still
Prolific producer of 8 - 9" dark green cucumbers, perfect for slicing and
pickling. Vigorous short vines resistant to common viruses and pests. Favorite
home and market garden variety since its introduction in 1968.
—Cucumber National Pickling. (100) VCUC-NP. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Developed by the National Pickle Packer's Association, this is one of the
best pickling varieties. Short, thick, dark green 6 - 7" cucumbers. Also
great fresh for salads.
—Cucumber Spacemaster 80. (40) VCUC-SP. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $6.00
The perfect cucumber for small areas or containers. Compact plants need 1/3
of the space of other varieties, and adapted to a wide range of conditions.
Produces abundant crops of 7 - 8" dark green fruits.
—Cucumber Suyo Long. (100) VCUC-SU. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $12.00
1/4 Pound: $35.00
Chinese variety with slender, ribbed, dark green 10 - 18" cucumbers.
Crisp, tender, not bitter. Great for salads, or sliced for bread and butter
DILL: See Specialty