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2025 SEEDLIST - Pi - Pz
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PICEA (PEE-say-a)
PINACEAE. Attractive N. Hemisphere, conifers with pendulous cones. Grown for
ornament or timber. Most soils and zones, and easy from seed.
—Picea likiangensis. (100) PICA-26. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $12.00
'LIJIANG SPRUCE'. Tree to 100 feet, with green to blue-green 1/2"
needles. Grey scaly bark and 3" cones that may be reddish or purple when
young. SW China and Tibet. Zone 7. "In April and May when loaded with
its male flowers and brilliant red young cones it is spectacularly
beautiful."—Hilliers. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks warm.
—Picea mongolica. (50) PICA-32. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $12.50
'MONGOLIAN SPRUCE'. Rare tree to 90 feet, with inch-long needles, grey-brown
bark, and 3" cones. Mongolia. Zone 2. Good in harsh deserts. Considered
'near threatened'. Prechill 3 weeks.
UMBELLIFERAE. Herbs with white or yellow flowers in umbels, and feathery
leaves. Best sown directly to not-too-rich soil. Germinates in 1 - 6 weeks.
—Pimpinella Anisum. (1000) PIM-1. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $15.00
'ANISE'. White flowers. A dainty annual to 1 1/2 - 2 feet, with feathery
bright green leaves. Greece to Egypt. Grown for the popular seeds used as a
condiment for bread, pastries and cheese, to flavor liqueurs, and medicinally.
Known to the ancient Greeks, it is mentioned by Dioscorides, Theophrastus, and
Pliny. The leaves may be used in salads. Medicinally the seeds and oil are used
as estrogenic agents to promote milk secretion, regulate and promote
menstruation, ease birth, and allay symptoms of menopause. A number of synthetic
estrogens were originally modeled after the estrogenic compounds found in the
oil. Anise still has merit in that it is non-carcinogenic, has low toxicity, and
is gentle in action. Not to mention you don't need a prescription, and it is low
cost. See: 'Fennel and Anise as Estrogenic Agents'. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
(1980) Vol. 2, pages 337 - 344.
NEW—Pimpinella Saxifraga. (250) PIM-23. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
'LESSER BURNET'. White flowers with crimson stigmas and long drooping filaments.
Finely divided leaves, some of which resemble birds in flight, hence the old
Dutch name meaning 'God's Little Birds'. Hardy perennial to 2-3 feet. England.
Zone 4. The leaves smell like cucumbers when bruised, and were used to cool
tankards much like Borage, and were added to salads. The fresh root is very hot
like pepper, and was chewed for toothache and gargled for sore throat. When
dried and stored for a while, it loses much of its pungency, and becomes
aromatic like anise. Relished by sheep, and said to increase milk flow in
ARACEAE. Ornamental E. Asian summer-growing arums. Best in moist part shade.
—Pinellia tripartia 'Atropurpurea'. (20) PINE-24A. Packet: $2.50
Click for photo »
'PURPLE DRAGON'. Purple 4" spathes in spring and summer, with long
green tails. Bulb to 18", with shiny three-parted leaves. Japan. Zone 5.
Stands shade.
PINUS (PEE-nus or PYE-nus)
PINACEAE. North Hemisphere evergreen conifers. The pines are popular and
widely adapted. Valuable for timber, ornament, fuelwood, rosin, turpentine, and
edible seeds. Best in well-drained soil.
—Pinus durangensis. (10) PINU-16. Packet: $2.50
Info and photos: http://www.conifers.org/pi/Pinus_durangensis.php
'DURANGO PINE'. Dark green 6 - 10" needles and 3" cones. Tree to 130
feet, with grey-brown bark. Mts. of W. México. Zone 8. The only pine with
needles in sixes. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks.
—Pinus Lambertiana. (15) PINU-32. Packet: $2.50
Photo: http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?enlarge=0000+0000+1202+0928
Cones: http://www.esacademic.com/pictures/eswiki/83/Sugarpine.jpg
'SUGAR PINE'. The tallest pine, to 220 feet, with 2 - 4" needles and 8
- 24" long cones, the largest in the genus. Oregon to Baja. Zone 7. The
large seeds are eaten, and it exudes a sweet sap. Give 2 - 3 month prechill 10
germinate in a month.
—Pinus Massoniana. (50) PINU-37. Packet: $2.50
'CHINESE RED PINE'. To 80 feet, with thin, light green 8" needles and
3" cones. China. Zone 7. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks warm.
—Pinus Mugo Mughus. (25) PINU-44. Packet: $3.00
5 grams: $10.00
'DWARF SWISS MOUNTAIN PINE'. Low shrub to 4 feet, with crowded 2"
needles and 2" cones. Alps. Zone 3. Very ornamental. Produces Hungarian
terebinth. Germinates in 2 - 24 weeks warm.
—Pinus Pinea. (10) PINU-62. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Pound: $20.00
'ITALIAN STONE PINE', 'UMBRELLA PINE'. Round-topped tree to 40 - 80 feet,
with stiff, bright to grey green 8" needles, and 4" cones.
Mediterranean. Cultivated for the large, sweet, edible nuts. Considered sacred
to Poseidon by the ancient Greeks. Zone 8. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks warm. Some
lots are sensitive to warm temperatures and need cool temperatures to germinate.
—Pinus Roxburghii. (=longifolia) (25) PINU-72. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $20.00
'CHIR' or 'EMODI PINE'. Beautiful Himalayan pine to 80 feet, with long,
drooping, light green 12" needles and 7" cones. Zone 6. The seeds are
eaten in India. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks with no prechill needed.
—Pinus tabulaeformis. (50) PINU-77. Packet: $2.50
Info: http://www.conifers.org/pi/Pinus_tabuliformis.php
Photo: http://www.plantphoto.cn/tu.aspx?id=87950
Photo of needles and cones: http://www.plantphoto.cn/tu.aspx?id=28060
'CHINESE RED PINE'. To 80 feet, with 4-6" needles and 3" cones.
Northern China. Zone 4 or 5. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks warm.
—Pinus Torreyana. (10) PINU-97. Packet: $4.00
'TORREY PINE'. Small round-headed tree to 60 feet, often gnarled in the
wild. Stiff dark green 8 - 12" needles and round 6" cones. Rare
endemic, only a few thousand trees occur in a small spot on the San Diego coast
and on Santa Rosa Island. Large edible seeds. Zone 7. Germinates in 4 - 6 weeks
and a 4 week prechill often helps.
PLATYCODON (pla-te-KO-don)
CAMPANULACEAE. 'BALLOON FLOWER'. A single species. A showy hardy perennial
thriving in well drained sandy loam. Easy from seed; blooms the second year. The
flower buds are inflated and balloon-like before they open. Allow stems to die
back in fall. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks at warm temperatures. Do not cover seed.
The young leaves are used in salads in Japan. Native to eastern Asia.
—Platycodon grandiflorus 'Florist Blue'. (100) PLTY-1B. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
5 grams: $15.00
'BLUE BALLOON FLOWER' Large blue 3" flowers. Showy perennial to 2 feet.
Zone 4. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink'. (100) PLTY-1FP. Packet: $2.50
'FLORIST PINK'. Large pink 3" flowers. Showy perennial to 20".
Zone 3. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
LABIATAE. Tropical Asian herbs for fragrance.
—Pogostemon cablin. (300) POGO-6. Packet: $3.00
1/4 Gram: $18.00
Gram: $50.00
'TRUE PATCHOULI'. Tropical shrublet to 2 - 3 feet with very fragrant mauve
flowers in 1 - 3" spikes, and 2 - 4" leaves. East Indies. Zone 9b or
10. The main source of patchouli oil. Used for fragrance, medicinally, and
seasoning. Smells like a VW bus full of hippies. Best in warm places with part
shade. Germinates in 1 - 6 weeks. Aged seed best, and light and GA-3 helps.
Info and photos link: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/53931/
—Pogostemon heyneanus. (200) POGO-11. Packet: $3.00
1/4 Gram: $12.00
Gram: $35.00
'INDIAN PATCHOULI'. Small purple flowers in spikes on a shrubby tropical
perennial to 5 - 6 feet, with highly fragrant leaves. Tropical Asia. Zone 10.
Prefers full to part shade, good houseplant. One of the sources of patchouli
oil. Germinates in 1 - 6 weeks.
POINCIANA (poin-see-A-na)
LEGUMINOSAE. Showy warm-region small broad-crowned trees and shrubs with
feathery pinnate foliage and spectacular flowers. Fast growing heat lovers, best
in well-drained soil. Drought-resistant thriving in hot sun and warm regions,
north to Oregon. Easy in pots in the greenhouse. Easy from seed, grow like Caesalpinia,
which see.
—Poinciana Gilliesii. (=Caesalpinia Gilliesii) (10) POIN-2. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $12.00
1/4 Pound: $40.00
Click for photos »
'BIRD of PARADISE BUSH'. Striking flowers with 3 - 5" long bright red
stamens from 5-petaled yellow flowers in dense clusters. Blooms all summer.
Shrub or small tree with feathery foliage. South America. Fast growing to 10 to
20 feet or so. An excellent ornamental, good in desert areas and the South, but
grown as far north as Oregon. Zone 8. Easy in pots in the greenhouse in the
North, and said to be possible as an annual if started early. The stamens have
been used as a saffron substitute. "A very showy and worthy plant."—L.
H. Bailey. Nick seed, germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Poinciana pulcherrima. (=Caesalpinia pulcherrima) (10) POIN-4. Packet:
Ounce: $9.00
1/4 Pound: $30.00
Click for photo »
with red crinkled petals edged yellow, and bright 2 1/2" red stamens. Dense
shrub to 10 feet with delicate dark green feathery foliage. West Indies. Zone 9.
Fast growing, good hedge or screen in warm regions, blooming throughout warm
weather. Stands some frost. Sacred in India. The seed and pods yield tannin and
dye, and the orange colored wood is carbonized for ink in India. Leaves used as
a fish poison in Guatemala. All parts have medicinal uses, and extracts have
shown antiviral effects. Nick seed to germinate in 2 - 3 weeks.
—Poinciana regia: See Delonix regia.
POLEMONIUM (po-le-MO-nee-um)
POLEMONIACEAE. Mostly easily grown perennials for the border. Blue, yellow
or purplish flowers. Best from fall-sown seed in rich loam. Common kinds
germinate in 1 - 4 weeks at warm.
—Polemonium caeruleum Blue Pearl. (100) POLE-4. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
'JACOB'S LADDER', 'CHARITY', 'GREEK VALERIAN'. Gorgeous sky blue 1"
drooping flowers with yellow stamens. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with fern-like
foliage. Europe. Likes moist wet ground. Cats are fond of the scent and will
roll in the plants. Was used medicinally as an alexipharmic, etc.
—Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain Strain'. (50) POLE-28P. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $9.50
Large violet inch-wide flowers in June and July. Hardy perennial to
20", with pinnate leaves. Japan. Zone 4. Until early summer the whole plant
is reddish-purple, making a nice display. Germinates in 1 - 6 weeks or so.
LILIACEAE. Robust hardy woodland perennials grown for their handsome foliage
and graceful arching branches. Best in shady places, but they do well in the
border. Ideal for woodland and under trees, where they form nice colonies. Sow
in fall or give warm then cold treatment.
—Polygonatum biflorum. (50) POLO-2. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
'SMALL SOLOMON'S SEAL'. Bell-shaped greenish 1/2" flowers in small clusters
in April to July. Hardy perennial to 1 - 3 feet, with graceful arching branches
and attractive foliage. E. N. America. "Wonderful in shade
gardens."—Guttendorf. Best sown in fall, or prechill 4 months to
germinate in 1 - 2 months.
POLYMNIA (po-LEEM-nee-a)
COMPOSITAE. From the warm Americas.
—Polymnia uvedalia. (20) POLM-44. Packet:
Medicinal info: http://doctorschar.com/archives/bearsfoot-polymnia-uvedalia/
'BEAR'S FOOT'. Bright yellow daisies on a hardy perennial to 6 - 10 feet,
with large lobed leaves. SE U.S. Zone 5 (maybe). Good in wet places. The root is
used in medicine. Irregular germination, give a prechill, and Richo Cech reports
fire works well.