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2025 SEEDLIST - O - Pa
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OCIMUM (OSS-i-mum)
LABIATAE. 'BASIL'. Aromatic tender annuals grown in the herb garden for
their value as seasoning and fragrance. The leaves are widely used in sauces and
soups, the flavor blending particularly well with tomatoes. The clove-like
fragrance has been considered soothing, and a cure for nervous headaches. Basil
tea is said to calm an upset stomach. Start seed indoors 6 - 8 weeks before last
frost, and plant out after all danger of frost is past. Thin to 6" apart.
Basil likes full sun, and all types do well in pots. Harvest fresh leaves
anytime. For drying, cut just before it reaches full bloom. Seed viable 8 - 10
years. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Ocimum americanum 'Lime'. (500) OCIM-1LI. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $18.00
'LIME BASIL'. Has a zesty lime flavor.
—Ocimum Basilicum 'Cinnamon'. (1000) OCIM-1C. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
1/4 Pound: $22.00
'CINNAMON BASIL'. Spicy aroma, purple flowers, to 30". A fine variety.
Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Ocimum Basilicum 'Dwarf Greek'. (1000) OCIM-1DG. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $20.00
Compact bushy plants with small, intensely fragrant leaves. Perfect for
window-boxes and borders. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Ocimum Basilicum 'Large Sweet'. (1000) OCIM-1S. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $9.00
The most popular and widely grown variety. Sweet and aromatic 2 - 3"
leaves. To 1 - 2 feet tall.
—Ocimum Basilicum 'Red Rubin'. (500) OCIM-1RR. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
1/4 Pound: $22.00
Dark purple-red leaves with a good flavor. Bushy plant to 18", a
selection from Dark Opal, more compact and stays red longer into the summer.
—Ocimum Basilicum 'Siam Queen'. (500) OCIM-1SQ. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $7.50
Ounce: $18.00
Info and photos: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/48849/
Flavorful Thai basil with an anise-clove flavor. To 14", with
attractive dark flower spikes. AAS 1997. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Ocimum gratissimum 'Green Pepper'. (100) OCIM-3P. Packet: $2.50
Pink-purple flowers and deep green leaves on a tender woody shrub to 2 feet.
Strong pepper scent. Germinates in a week.
—Ocimum sanctum. (1000) OCIM-24. Packet: $2.50 OTC
1/4 Ounce: $10.00
Ounce: $30.00
'HOLY BASIL', 'TULSI'. Sweetly fragrant bushy perennial to 1 - 3 feet, grown
as an annual in cold climates. Profuse purple or white bloom, and sometimes
purplish-tinted foliage. Tropical Asia. Held sacred by the Hindus and grown
around temples. Sections of the stem-bases are used in rosaries. The leaves are
used in salads, and the oil is an effective antibiotic, and the leaves are used
medicinally. Nice, distinctive clove-like flavor, good in cooking, salads, or
for tea. Good in herb breads and herb butters. Good bee plant. Germinates in 1 -
4 weeks. Light and KNO3 helps. Organically grown.
—Ocimum sanctum 'Purple Tulsi'. (400) OCIM-24P. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
'KRISHNA TULSI'. Sweet clove-like scent and taste. Tender perennial to 3 feet,
with reddish purple leaves. Highly valued adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine.
Germinates in 1 - 6 weeks warm.
OENOTHERA (ee-NO-ther-a)
ONAGRACEAE. 'EVENING PRIMROSE', 'SUNDROPS'. Showy, sun-loving plants valued
for their bright yellow, rose or white flowers. A large and wide ranging group
of annuals, biennials and perennials, generally preferring sunny dry open
ground. Easy from seed in ordinary soil. Start in March, germinates in 1 - 3
weeks. Set out in May. Some are tall upright plants, others stemless, a few,
trailers. The 'evening primroses' open in late afternoon with startling rapidity
and attract nocturnal moths. The 'sun drops' open in the daytime. The flowers
are often delicately perfumed. The perennials make nice clumps with age. They
are variable and prone to mutation, and have been used in studies of evolution.
The genus name is said to come from the Greek meaning 'wine-scenting' or
'wine-hunting', referring to the ancient use of the roots to flavor wine, or the
more recent use of the roots of O. biennis eaten after meals with wine,
as olives are today. They have a history of edible and medicinal use, and are
the object of current research. The oil of the seed of O. Lamarckiana,
biennis and others contains gamma-linolenic acid, (GLA) formerly
found in substantial amounts only in human milk. GLA is involved in biosynthesis
of prostaglandins, and there have been many claims for its effectiveness in
treating a variety of ailments from obesity to hangover, high serum cholesterol,
schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis.
—Oenothera biennis. (500) OENO-7. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $15.00
'EVENING PRIMROSE'. Sweet-scented lemon yellow 1 - 2" flowers open in the
evening. Hardy biennial or annual to 3 - 6 feet, with large rosettes of
lance-shaped basal leaves. E. N. America. Zone 3. The thick roots are edible,
with a sweet, parsnip/salsify flavor, harvested at the end of the first season.
Young leaves and shoots eaten as a potherb, the flowers added to salads, the
young pods eaten, and the seed oil is rich in GLA. Surface sow, to germinate in
1 - 3 weeks.
rhombipetala. (1000) OENO-52. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
'FOURPOINT EVENING PRIMROSE'. Large yellow flowers with four pointed petals, in long spikes, several flowers opening each evening, June and July. Biennial to 1 - 3 feet, forming a rosette the first year. Central U.S. Zone 3. Good in sandy soil. Very attractive flowers.
"The only possible alternative to being either the oppressed or the
oppressor is voluntary cooperation..."—Errico Malatesta.
ONOBRYCHIS (o-no-BRE-kees)
LEGUMINOSAE. Eurasian and African plants.
—Onbrychis viciifolia. (=Onobrychis sativa) (100) ONOB-25. Packet: $2.00
1/4 Pound: $7.40
Pound: $15.00
Agronomic info:
Pictures: http://flora.nhm-wien.ac.at/Seiten-Arten/Onobrychis-viciifolia.htm
'SAINFOIN', 'HOLY CLOVER'. Pink 1/2" flowers with dark stripes, in
4" spikes. Hardy perennial to 2 1/2 feet, with pinnate leaves. Eurasia.
Zone 3. Nitrogen-fixing and drought-resistant. Excellent bee plant, producing
superior honey. As forage it protects ruminants against nematodes, increases
protein utilization, and prevents bloat. Sow whole pods to germinate in 1 - 2
CACTACEAE. Cacti ranging from British Columbia to the tip of South America.
Most are 'prickly pears', with flat, oval pads, showy flowers, and red, yellow,
or purple edible fruits. Fast growing and adaptable, some are hardy to 45°F
below zero. Likes heat, sun, and good drainage. Seed often are helped by
nicking, cold treatment, or fall sowing. Many germinate quickly with GA-3.
—Opuntia Engelmannii. (50) OPUN-86. Packet: $2.50
'CACTUS APPLE', TEXAS PRICKLY PEAR'. Bright yellow 2 - 3" flowers in early
summer, followed by abundant edible dark purple 2" fruits. Large blue-green foot-long pads. Quite hardy, this seed collected in Zone 7
Tennessee. Germinates in 2 - 12 months.
ORIGANUM (o-RI-ga-num)
LABIATAE. Easily grown annual and perennial herbs popular for kitchen
seasoning and ornament. Best in full sun and warm, dry, well-drained soil. Sow
on the surface to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks or so. Seed viable 3 - 5 years.
Classification a bit confused.
—Origanum Majorana. (1000) ORIG-30. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $7.50
'SWEET MARJORAM'. Aromatic tender perennial to 2 feet. Tiny white or lilac
flowers in summer. Zone 6. Much used in soups, stews, with meats, etc.
CRUCIFERAE. Two species of Asian herbs.
—Orychophragmus violaceus. (300) ORYC-8.
Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
'FEBRUARY ORCHID', 'CHINESE VIOLET CRESS'. Large violet 1 3/4" flowers in
clusters, held above the foliage in spring. Annual or biennial to 1 - 2 feet.
China. May winter over in Zone 7 or warmer. Grown in China for the leaves and
flowers, eaten in salads or as a potherb. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.
OSMARONIA (oz-ma-RO-nee-a)
ROSACEAE. A single species.
NEW—Osmaronia cerasiformis. (=Oemleria
cerasiformis). (30) OSMR-2. Packet:
'OSO BERRY', 'OREGON PLUM'. Fragrant white 1/3" flowers followed by
blue-black 1/2" berries, edible when fully ripe. Shrub to 15 feet, with
light green foliage. W. N. America. Zone 6. Best in the shade. Sow in fall or
prechill 2 - 4 months.
OSMORHIZA (os-mo-REE-za)
UMBELLIFERAE. 'SWEET-ROOT'. Slender perennials rising from fleshy roots. Small
white flowers. They prefer moist shady places. Fine plants for woodlands. The
thick aromatic roots have been used medicinally and for food. Closely related to
Myrrhis. Interesting plants worth growing.
—Osmorhiza longistylis. (100) OSMO-28. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $7.50
'ANISE ROOT'. Hardy, perennial to 2 - 3 feet, with attractive divided aromatic
foliage and white flowers. E. N. America. The plant, especially the thick root,
is strongly anise scented, and was eaten, used for flavoring and a tonic. Zone 4
or 5. Give seed a long prechill or sow in fall.
OTATEA (o-ta-TAY-a)
GRAMINEAE. Two Central American bamboos.
NEW—Otatea acuminata. (25) OTAT-4. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $15.00
'MEXICAN WEEPING BAMBOO.' Narrow, grass-like weeping 6" leaves on graceful
curving stems to 25 feet or so. México. Zone 8 (15°F). Forms nice clumps, and
highly attractive. Makes nice container plants. Blooms once in about 30 years,
then dies, so get your seed now or wait a while!
OXYRIA (ox-EE-ree-a)
POLYGONACEAE. Two species of hardy perennials.
—Oxyria digyna. (50) OXYR-4. Packet: $2.50
'MOUNTAIN SORREL'. Kidney-shaped leaves from pale green to blood red. Hardy perennial to 6", with sprays of small,
often red flowers. Northern regions. Zone 2. The sour leaves are eaten raw or cooked, and are a good source of Vitamin C. They are also
fermented like sauerkraut.
"True social harmony grows naturally out of solidarity of interest..."—Emma
PAEONIA (pe-O-nee-a)
PAEONIACEAE. Hardy and long-lived perennials or shrubs from thick roots. The
species come true from seed and are interesting to grow, blooming in about 3
years. Any soil, but dig deeply. Herbaceous kinds bloom best in cold climates.
Sow spring to fall, root germinates in 1 - 8 months, top growth emerges the next
spring. Year-old seed often germinates best. Always hold pot over at least one
year in a moist shady spot. Seed viable 3 - 4 years, giving good germination.
—Paeonia lutea var. Ludlowii. (5) PAEO-52. Packet: $5.00
50 seed: $25.00
100 seed: $40.00
Click for photo of seedlings »
'TIBETAN PEONY'. Golden yellow 3 - 5" wide flowers in May and June.
Hardy shrub to 6 - 9 feet, with attractive divided leaves. Tibet. Zone 6. Sow in
summer or fall, or give 1 - 3 months warm, then cold.
—Paeonia Mlokosewitschii. (10) PAEO-58. Packet: $3.50
'MOLLY THE WITCH' (a play on the name). Large clear yellow 4" bowl-shaped flowers in late spring. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with blue-green foliage with good Tall color. Caucasus. Zone 6.
—Paeonia Single Garden Peonies. (20) PAEO-GX. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
Seed from plants with large white, pink, and red single flowers. Sow in
summer for top growth next spring.
—Paeonia suffruticosa. (10) PAEO-76. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $12.00
'MOUTAN', 'TREE PEONY'. Rose-pink to white 6" wide flowers with a dark
patch at the petal bases. Hardy shrub to 7 feet, with bipinnate foliage,
blooming in May. Tibet and China. Zone 5. Cultivated since 700 AD, it became a
rage in China in the 800s. Many varieties exist. Root germinates in 1 - 8
months, then needs cold or GA-3 to trigger leaves. Perhaps best sown in July or
August. Year-old seed germinates best.
PANDANACEAE. Tropical trees somewhat resembling Yucca.
NEW—Pandanus odoratissimus (=tectorius). (5)
PANDA-43. Packet: $3.50
Perishable seed, stored refrigerated.
Click for photo »
'HALA', 'SCREW PINE'. Striking picturesque tree to 20 feet, with narrow
sword-like 3 - 5 foot long leaves, and stilt-roots from the trunk. Male flowers
are deliciously fragrant, in 12" spikes, used for perfume and medicine.
Female flowers in small balls, followed by orange-red fruits resembling
pineapples. SE Asia and Polynesia. Zone 10. Leaves much used in Hawaii for
thatching and plaiting after removing the small spines on the edges. Ripe fruits
eaten raw or cooked, the flowers eaten, and the seeds have been eaten after
preparation. Soak large seeds overnight then plant on their side and keep warm,
germinates over a long period.
PAPAVER (PA-pa-ver or pa-PA-ver)
PAPAVERACEAE. Widely distributed annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs.
Well-known garden favorites with brilliant showy flowers and attractive pods.
Easily grown but many resent transplanting. Most like hot, sunny, well-drained
spots. Sow on the surface, often germinating best at cool (50 - 60°F)
temperatures. GA-3 improves many. Seed viable 3 - 25 years. It has been said
that no other plants have eased so much human suffering, or caused so much, as
the poppies. Most germinate in 1 - 4 weeks.
—Papaver alpinum Mixed. (200) PAPA-2X. Packet: $3.00
'ALPINE POPPY'. Fragrant 1 - 2" flowers in bright shades of yellow,
rose, orange, and white. Very hardy tufted perennial to 10", with finely
divided lacy foliage. Alps. Zone 5. Germinates in 2 weeks.
—Papaver Argemone. (500) PAPA-8. Packet: $2.50
Gram $6.00
'PRICKLY POPPY'. Dainty scarlet 1 - 2" flowers in summer, with black
spots at the petal bases, followed by prickly 3/4" long pods. Hardy annual
to 1 1/2 feet, with ferny leaves. Mediterranean.
—Papaver dubium. (500) PAPA-15. Packet: $2.50
Click for photo »
'LONG-POD POPPY'. Red to rose 2" flowers with darker centers. Hardy
annual to 2 feet, with pinnately divided leaves. Eurasia. Naturalizes well.
—Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermere'. (=P. bracteatum) (100) PAPA-30L.
Packet: $2.50
Large, deep glowing crimson-red flowers. To 3 feet. Zone 3. Said to be a
good choice for thebaine production. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Papaver orientale 'Formula Mix'. (1000) PAPA-30X. Packet: $2.50
A fine formula mixture. To 3 feet. Zone 3.
—Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding'. (100) PAPA-30RW. Packet: $3.50
Large pure white flowers with black centers, on a hardy perennial to 2 1/2
feet. Zone 3. Absolutely stunning and choice! Also called 'Black and White'.
—Papaver paeonyflorum 'White Cloud'. (500) PAPA-32W. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $9.00
50 grams: $25.00
Click for photo »
Large double white flowers with round petals, some semi-double, and a few
single white. Hardy annual to 3 feet, with large ornamental pods. Nice!
Germinates in a week.
—Papaver Rhoeas 'Mother of Pearl'. PAPA-38MP. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $9.00
100 grams: $70.00
Pastel shades of mauve, pink, white, grey, and lilac, some edged or blended,
with delicate traceries of darker veins. Originally developed by Sir Cedric
Morris of Suffolk.
—Papaver Rhoeas 'Single Shirley Mixed'. (10,000) PAPA-38SX. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $18.00
Single flowered types in a range of colors. To 30".
—Papaver Rhoeas Wild Type. (1000) PAPA-38. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $10.00
'CORN POPPY'. Striking deep cinnabar-red 2" flowers with a black blotch
at the base of each petal. Hardy annual to 3 feet, with pinnately divided
leaves. Eurasia. The original form of an important species with over 30
botanical varieties and innumerable horticultural forms. The seeds are used on
cakes like ordinary poppyseeds, but have their own flavor. A fine oil is
expressed from them, being valued like olive oil. The petals were made into a
deep red syrup, used to color soups and other foods.
—Papaver setigerum 'Afghan Reselected'. (500) PAPA-43A. Packet: $2.50
Click for photo »
'AFGHAN POPPY'. A nice mix of forms, mostly a beautiful pink with white centers
and laciniated petals. Some with round petals and gives some beautiful color
variations like purple and scarlet. Nice! Annual to 3 feet. Originally from
Afghanistan. I have reselected this to have a larger proportion of the better
colors, and fewer pink. I hope you like it! A superior strain.
—Papaver setigerum 'Black Swan'. (750) PAPA-43BLS. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $6.00
100 grams: $30.00
Fully double flowers with fringed petals, in deep purple with wine tinges.
Nice! Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
—Papaver setigerum 'Danebrog'. (1000) PAPA-43DB. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $6.00
100 grams: $25.00
Click for photo »
'DANISH FLAG', 'DANISH CROSS'. This is the famous variety with large,
single, pure brilliant scarlet 3 - 5" flowers with a pure white cross in
the center, and with fringed-edged petals. Hardy annual to 2 1/2 - 5 feet.
Absolutely one of the most stunning poppies, this is an antique variety over 100
years old. My favorite. Germinates in a week or two.
—Papaver setigerum 'The Giant'. (=Giganteum) (1000) PAPA-43G. Packet: $2.50
(about 2400 seed per gram)
10 grams: $10.00
100 grams: $60.00
Kilo: $450.00
Click for photo »
Specially-selected florist strain, developed for the huge pods used in dried
arrangements. Large salmon-pink flowers with large purple and white cross. Hardy
annual. Germinates in a week or so.
—Papaver setigerum 'Hen and Chickens'. (1000) PAPA-43HC. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $6.00 (about 9500 seed)
100 grams: $20.00
250 grams: $40.00
Click for photo »
Odd pods with a large central pod surrounded at the base by several tiny
pods, the 'mother hen and her chicks'. Unusual in dried arrangements. Produces a
good percentage of the hen-and-chicks type pods, with some regular-type pods.
Large salmon-red flowers with purple cross. Annual to 3 - 5 feet. Germinates in
1 week.
—Papaver setigerum 'Lauren's Grape'. (500) PAPA-43L. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $7.50
100 grams: $50.00
Click for photo »
Large deep purple 4" flowers shading out to a lighter edge. Distinctive
small round handsome pods. Hardy annual to 5 feet, with a large number of
flowers per plant, and attractive, superior pods. Multiple flowers per plant -
we've had over twenty on one plant. Seed needs a few weeks prechill, or sow in
—Papaver setigerum 'Lilac Pompon'. (1000) PAPA-43LP. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $6.00
100 grams: $30.00
Picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168533211028395317/
Large fully double flowers with fringed petals, in a nice lilac shade.
Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
NEW—Papaver setigerum 'Midnight'. (2000) PAPA-43MI. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $7.50
100 grams: $25.00
Deep purple-black single flowers. The blackest! Cool temperatures to germinate.
—Papaver setigerum 'Pepperbox'. (1000) PAPA-43PB. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $9.00
50 grams: $15.00
250 grams: $60.00 NEW
Click for photo »
Handsome large pods which open when ripe to shed the seed, providing a dual
crop, edible seed plus pods for the dried flower market. Large white flowers
with light purple cross. Annual to 3 - 5 feet with bristly stems. Germinates in
1 week.
PARADISEA (par-a-DI-see-a)
LILIACEAE. Two lily-like species from Europe.
—Paradisea lusitanica. (25) PARA-8. Packet: $2.50
White 3/4" lily-like flowers in May and June. Robust hardy perennial to
2 - 5 feet, with strap-like 3/4" wide leaves. Thick roots. Portugal. Zone
IRIDACEAE. Hybrid origin between Pardanthopsis and Belamcanda,
developed and introduced by Park's Seed.
NEW—Pardancanda Norrisi. (10) PARD-16. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
'CANDYLILY'. Large 3" flowers in shades of yellow, red, and violet, with
tiger stripes and spots. Iris-like plants to about 2 feet. Zone 5. Nice!
Germinates in about 2 - 4 weeks.
PASSIFLORA (pass-i-FLO-ra)
PASSIFLORACEAE. Showy tropical tendril-climbing vines grown for the unusual
flowers and often edible fruits. Good in the greenhouse. Best in a rich fibrous
soil and given plenty of manure and water while growing. Warm temperatures and
nicking the seed often helps germination. Often a day or so of 110 - 120°F may
trigger germination.
NEW—Passiflora incarnata. (25) PASS-17. Packet: $3.00
1/4 Ounce: $15.00 (about 240 seed)
Ounce: $40.00 (about 960 seed)
'MAYPOPS', 'WILD PASSIONFLOWER'. Cream or yellowish 2" flowers with
purple or pink corona. Yellow 2" edible fruits. Hardy perennial vine with
3-lobed leaves. Virginia to the Tropics. Cultivated by the Indians. The hardiest
species, to Zone 5 or 6 if given a heavy mulch. Medicinal. Irregular
germination. Give 8 - 12 weeks cold treatment.
—Passiflora mollissima. (10) PASS-29. Packet: $3.00
5 grams: $40.00
Click for photo »
'PINK BANANA PASSIONFRUIT'. Rampant evergreen climber, with soft green, deeply
3-lobed foliage. Pendant, long-tubed, 3" wide pink or rose flowers up to
5" long. Yellow 3" edible fruits. Andes. Zone 8. Extremely fast
growing, good for quick cover. Germinates in 3 - 12 weeks.