[ Home ] [ Seedlist A-AK ] [ Seedlist AL-AN ] [ Seedlist AP-AZ ] [ Seedlist B ] [ Seedlist CA ] [ Seedlist CE-CL ] [ Seedlist CN-CZ ] [ Seedlist DA-DE ] [ Seedlist DI-DZ ] [ Seedlist EA - ER ] [ Seedlist ES - EZ ] [ Seedlist F-G ] [ Seedlist H ] [ Seedlist I-K ] [ Seedlist LA-LE ] [ Seedlist LI ] [ Seedlist LO-LZ ] [ Seedlist M ] [ Seedlist N ] [ Seedlist O-PA ] [ Seedlist PE-PH ] [ Seedlist PI-PZ ] [ Seedlist Q-R ] [ Seedlist SA-SH ] [ Seedlist SI-SZ ] [ Seedlist TA-TO ] [ Seedlist TR-TZ ] [ Seedlist U-V ] [ Seedlist W-Z ] [ Vegetable Seed A - D ] [ Vegetable Seed E - R ] [ Vegetable Seed S - Z ] [ Organic Seeds ] [ Books ] [ Bulk Seed List ] [ Reserved Access ]
BOX 337, LA
94020-0337 USA
How to Request Seeds
Request Form for requests sent by
the postal service.
Online Requests for e-mail
requests with PayPal or Zelle payment only.
Don't forget postage and
Bulk Seed
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begin using them in just a few seconds. We don't waste your time with
unnecessary graphics or internet tricks.
The print edition of the 2025 catalog is available now. Please take a moment
and send for it. The
print version is easy to use - no downloading!
[ Home ] [ Seedlist A-AK ] [ Seedlist AL-AN ] [ Seedlist AP-AZ ] [ Seedlist B ] [ Seedlist CA ] [ Seedlist CE-CL ] [ Seedlist CN-CZ ] [ Seedlist DA-DE ] [ Seedlist DI-DZ ] [ Seedlist EA - ER ] [ Seedlist ES - EZ ] [ Seedlist F-G ] [ Seedlist H ] [ Seedlist I-K ] [ Seedlist LA-LE ] [ Seedlist LI ] [ Seedlist LO-LZ ] [ Seedlist M ] [ Seedlist N ] [ Seedlist O-PA ] [ Seedlist PE-PH ] [ Seedlist PI-PZ ] [ Seedlist Q-R ] [ Seedlist SA-SH ] [ Seedlist SI-SZ ] [ Seedlist TA-TO ] [ Seedlist TR-TZ ] [ Seedlist U-V ] [ Seedlist W-Z ] [ Vegetable Seed A - D ] [ Vegetable Seed E - R ] [ Vegetable Seed S - Z ] [ Organic Seeds ] [ Books ] [ Bulk Seed List ] [ Reserved Access ]