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2025 SEEDLIST - Ce - Cl
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Match term(s) in J.L. Hudson Search Index:

CENTAUREA (sen-TAR-ee-a)
COMPOSITAE. 'CORNFLOWER', 'BACHELOR'S BUTTONS'. A large genus of annuals and perennials, including many old garden favorites, grown for their flowers and foliage. Easily grown from seed in light, well-drained soil in full sun. Rich soil will reduce the number of blooms. Sow annuals where they are to stand in September or March, or early indoors. Biennials and perennials any time from January to September. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks at warm temperatures. Sow 1/4" deep as darkness may help germination. Seed viable 5 - 10 years.
Centaurea Cyanus Varieties:
'CORNFLOWER', 'BACHELOR'S BUTTONS'. A favorite garden flower, it is a branching hardy annual to 1 - 3 feet, with large 1 1/2" flowers in a variety of colors. Narrow 6" leaves. Excellent cut flowers. "One of the most popular of garden flowers."—L. H. Bailey, 1906. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.
"On Centaurea Cyanus 'Tall Blue Boy' and C. americana 'Jolly Joker' advise that these should be sown thinly, because the germination rate is astounding, and their vivid colors make these stand out beautifully in the border. 'Blue Boy' is especially striking when paired with Dusty Miller 'Silverdust'."—C. Malanowski, South Carolina, 6/2001.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Black'. (50) CENT-1BK. Packet: $2.50
Very deep dark flowers.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Emperor William'. (100) CENT-1E. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $7.50
100 grams: $20.00
'CORNFLOWER'. Clear, dark, marine blue flowers. This variety is the last of the old, tall, single flowered varieties in existence. It is the closest to the wild plant. Hardy annual to 3 feet. One of the best. Long blooming, unlike the modern types. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks. Two weeks prechill helps germination.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Frosty Mixed'. (400) CENT-1FX. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $7.50
100 grams: $14.00
Fully double flowers in a wide range of colors, the petals of most tipped white-'frosted'. Blue, maroon, pink, red, and white. Hardy annual to 2 1/2 feet. Good for cut flowers.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Dwarf Jubilee Gem'. (500) CENT-1D. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Blue flowers. To 1 1/2 feet. Good for naturalizing.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Tall Blue Boy'. (500) CENT-1T. Packet: $1.50
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Blue flowers. To 2 1/2 feet. Good for naturalizing.
—Centaurea Cyanus 'Red Boy'. (500) CENT-1RB. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Bright ruby red flowers on a nice annual to 3 feet.
—Centaurea Cyanus White. (500) CENT-1A. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $10.00
Bright white flowers on a hardy annual.
—Centaurea Cyanus True Wild Form. (100) CENT-1W. Packet: $2.50
10 Grams: $8.00
25 g: $15.00
Click for photo » CentaureaCyanusWild.jpg (112411 bytes)
'CORNFLOWER', 'WITCHES' BELLS'. Beautiful blue flowers from July to September on a hardy annual to 1 - 3 feet, with cottony foliage. Europe. This is the rare true wild ancestor of the common bachelor's buttons. Lovely and worth growing. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks, prechill or GA-3 helps.
—Centaurea macrocephala. (50) CENT-38. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $7.50
'GLOBE CORNFLOWER'. Huge golden yellow egg-shaped flowers up to 4" across. Hardy perennial to 3 feet. Armenia. Zone 3. Excellent, long-lasting cut-flowers. Dries well. Germinates in 1 - 3 weeks.

UMBELLIFERAE. Creeping perennials of worldwide distribution, grown for groundcover and medicine.
Centella asiatica. (50) CENTL-4. Packet: $4.00
(=Hydrocotyle asiatica)
1/4 gram: $10.00
Gram: $30.00
Click for photo » Centella asiatica3.JPG (138987 bytes)
Review of uses: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/7855/1/NPR%206%282%29%20158-170.pdf
Pharmacological Review on Centella asiatica: A Potential Herbal Cure-all Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences:
'GOTU KOLA', 'MANDUKAPARNI'. Creeping perennial to 6", with round, kidney-shaped 2" leaves. Inconspicuous reddish-purple flowers. Pantropical. Zone 9. Best in rich moist soil. Famous Ayurvedic panacea, said to promote mental clarity, improve memory, and give long life. Research shows it is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-ulcer, is cardioprotective, radiation-protective, helps dermatitis, wound healing, venous insufficiency (swollen ankles), depression, epilepsy, anxiety, decreases stretch-marks in pregnancy, and improves cognitive function in the elderly and impaired children. Germinates in 3 - 12 weeks at very warm temperatures (90° F), and light, surface sow. Best with 500 - 1000 ppm GA-3.

VALERIANACEAE. Attractive, hardy, old-fashioned annuals and perennials grown for their dense heads of showy flowers. Easily grown in most soils in full sun, but standing part shade well. Excellent for naturalizing. Sow seed in March or April. Barely cover, germinates in 2 - 8 weeks at cool temperatures. Space 6 - 12" apart. Seed viable 4 years.
—Centranthus ruber 'Coccineus'. (100) CENS-4R. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
5 grams $19.00
'JUPITER'S BEARD', 'RED VALERIAN', 'PRETTY BETSY', 'DRUNKEN SAILOR'. Dense clusters of fragrant red flowers in early summer. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with bluish green 4" leaves. Eurasia. Zone 5. Good cut flower, attracts butterflies. Self-sows and stands poor dry soil. Good on rocky slopes and walls. The leaves are eaten in salads in Italy, and are said to be exceedingly good, and the roots were used in French soups. "Hard to beat for long showy bloom in difficult situations."—Sunset. Germinates in 2 - 8 weeks at cool temperatures.

COMPOSITAE. Two species.
—Centratherum intermedium. (100) CENR-12. Packet: $2.50
'MANAOS BEAUTY'. Lavender-blue flowers on a tender perennial to 2 feet, with strongly-scented foliage. Root hardy to at least 21°F. Good in sandy soil. Germinates irregularly, beginning in a week, and GA-3 helps.

RUBIACEAE. Showy shrubs or small trees with ball-like flower clusters. Easy in moist soils and at the edges of streams and ponds. Seed germinates readily in 10 - 20 days if surface sown; needs light.
Cephalanthus occidentalis. CEPS-18. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50

'BUTTONBUSH', 'PINCUSHIONS'. Creamy white tubular flowers in dense, long-stalked inch-wide balls from June to Sept. Handsome hardy shrub to 3 - 20 feet, with glossy 3 - 6" leaves. North America and eastern Asia.

CEPHALARIA (se-fa-LA-ree-a)
DIPSACEAE. Easily grown annuals and perennials resembling Scabiosa. Striking summer bloom. Good for cut flowers. They do well in heavy soils, and stand up to wind and rain.
—Cephalaria gigantea. (25) CEPH-10. Packet: $3.00
Click for photos » CephalariaGigantea.jpg (117842 bytes) CephalariaGiganteaFlower.jpg (27544 bytes) Cephalaria gigantea2.jpg (117862 bytes)
'GIANT YELLOW SCABIOSE', 'GOLDEN SCABIOSE'. Giant herb to 6 - 10 feet, with sulfur-yellow 2" flower heads on 2 - 3 foot stems, June and July. Pinnately divided leaves. Caucasus. Full sun. Zone 4 or more. Highly ornamental and striking. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks warm, some dormant.

CEPHALOTAXUS (se-fa-lo-TAX-us)
CEPHALOTAXACEAE. Several Asian yew-like trees.
—Cephalotaxus Harringtonia var. drupacea. (10) CETX-6D. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $22.00 (35 seeds per ounce)
Seed stored moist and refrigerated.
'PLUM YEW'. Shrub or small tree to 10 feet, with dark green yew-like needles. Purple plum-like, edible 1 1/2" fruits in October, taste like sweet plums with a piney flavor. Large edible seed. East Asia. Zone 6. Stands part shade. Leaves produce an anti-cancer compound. Give 3 months prechill.

CERATONIA (ser-a-TOW-nee-a)
LEGUMINOSAE. A single species. Drought resistant, good in desert areas. Needs 12 - 14" rain per year. Strains are hardy to 18 - 22°F, but should be protected for the first few years. Any soil except clay or wet ground. Good in California and the Gulf States. Nick and soak seed until swollen; boiling water may help. Germinates in about 2 - 4 weeks at warm temperatures. Do not injure tap root when transplanting.
—Ceratonia Siliqua. (10) CERQ-1. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $15.00
1/4 pound: $44.00
'CAROB', 'ST. JOHN'S BREAD', 'ALGAROBA'. Red flowers followed by thick, fleshy, shiny brown 4 - 12" pods. Evergreen tree to 20 - 50 feet, with attractive shining pinnate leaves. E. Mediterranean region. Zone 8. The large thick pods are rich in protein and sugar, and are a wholesome food for man and beast. Long cultivated in its native land. The pulp is a valuable sweetener and chocolate substitute. The seed and pods are roasted as coffee substitutes. They may be fermented and distilled, the drink retaining the flavor of the pod. The milled seeds alone produce a flour containing 60% protein, and no sugar or starch, suitable for diabetics. As livestock feed the pods are superior to oats and comparable to barley. Average yield is 200 - 450 pounds per tree, up to 3000 pounds has been recorded. The wood is pinkish.

LEGUMINOSAE. Handsome N. Hemisphere trees and shrubs noted for their profuse early spring bloom on bare branches before the leaves. Not closely related to any other genus, they may be a Tertiary relic. Attractive foliage, and blooms young. They thrive in fertile sandy loam. The wood is hard, finely veined black and green. Nick seed and give cold if specified.
—Cercis gigantea. (25) CERC-16. Packet: $2.50
'GIANT REDBUD',' HU BEI ZI JING'. Magenta flowers in early spring on a rounded deciduous shrub or tree to 10 - 40 feet, with huge 8" glossy leaves. China. Zone 6 or 7. Foliage turns bright yellow in fall, and covers itself with bloom in spring. Nick seed then give 8 weeks cold to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.

CHAENOMELES (kay-NO-me-leez)
ROSACEAE. Showy spring flowering shrubs.
Chaenomeles lagenaria. (=speciosa) (25) CHAE-15. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $15.00

'FLOWERING QUINCE', 'MU GUA'. Flowering shrub to 6 - 15 feet, bearing abundant 1 1/2" red flowers, sometimes pink or white, followed by fragrant 2" fruits. China. Zone 5. Fruits eaten cooked, and are used in Chinese medicine. Germinates in 3 - 10 weeks warm, and a prechill may help.

CHAENORRHINUM (kee-no-RY -num)
SCROPHULARIACEAE. West Eurasian annuals and perennials resembling Linaria, grown for their almost constant delicate bloom. Good among rocks.
Chaenorrhinum organifolium 'Blue Dreams'. (250) CHAN-20B. Packet: $2.50
Blue-lilac 1/2" flowers with yellow throats, June to August. Perennial to 6", with small round leaves. Southern Europe. Zone 7. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.

UMBELLIFERAE. Scented annuals, biennials and perennials with divided leaves and small white flowers. Several species are grown for food and flavoring.
—Chaerophyllum bulbosum. (50) CHAER-6. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $9.00
50 grams: $30.00
'TURNIP ROOTED CHERVIL'. Biennial or short-lived perennial to 3 - 5 feet, with deeply cut foliage. Europe. Zone 6. Grown for the sweet, aromatic, edible roots, which are like short, fat carrots, about 4 - 5" long, grey or black skinned, with yellow or white flesh. Seldom seen in this country, the boiled roots are highly esteemed in Europe. They have a distinctive aromatic flavor, and are sweet and floury. Needs deep rich soil and frequent waterings. Harvest roots when foliage dies back in summer, though they are said to improve in quality if left in the ground for a month. "The great value of this vegetable... is not only its deliciousness to the epicure but the earliness of its maturity, fully supplying the place of potatoes."—F. Webster. Germinates in 8 - 12 weeks at cold temperatures. Easy on moist pads in the refrigerator, plant the seeds individually as the roots emerge and move to warm temperatures.

IRIDACEAE. Spring and summer flowering South African cormous plants. Grow like gladiolus. Full sun or part shade.
—Chasmanthe floribunda. (10) CHAS-12. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
Click for photo » ChasmantheFloribunda.jpg (36817 bytes) Chasmanthe2.JPG (123568 bytes)
Bright orange-red, curved, tubular 2" flowers in long spikes in early spring. Light green iris-like leaves in fans. Tender perennial to 4 feet. South Africa. Drought-resistant. Good to naturalize in California. Germinates in 3 - 7 weeks warm. Fresh seed partly dormant, year-old seed best.

CHASMANTHIUM (chas-MAN-thee-um)
GRAMINEAE. Perennial rhizomatous grasses with showy panicles valued in dry bouquets.
Chasmanthium latifolium. (100) CHAM-3. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $7.50
'MISSOURI RIVER OATS'. Lovely arching stems with nodding spikelets, "Forming a very graceful and ornamental panicle."—Hitchcock. Tall perennial grass to 2 - 5 feet, with wide, strap-like leaves. Moist areas, E. U.S.

CHELIDONIUM (ke-li-DOE-nee-um)
PAPAVERACEAE. A single variable species.
—Chelidonium majus. (200) CHEL-1. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $5.00
5 grams: $9.50
Click for photo » Chelidonium majus2.jpg (59524 bytes)
'GREATER CELANDINE', 'SWALLOW-WORT.' Bright yellow four-petaled flowers to 1" wide, May to July. Hardy perennial to 2 - 4 feet, with attractive, deeply-lobed foliage. Eurasia. The orange sap was used medicinally. "It is a plant of quiet charm and elegance and I would not be without it somewhere in my own garden."—Grey-Wilson. Good in woodlands, naturalizes well, but never a nuisance. Germinates in 3 - 10 weeks warm.

CHENOPODIUM (ken-o-POE-dee-um)
CHENOPODIACEAE. Wide-ranging genus of mostly herbs with clustered tiny flowers. Many grown for ornament, edible greens or grain, aromatic culinary herbs or medicine. Easily grown and very useful. All germinate in 1 - 3 weeks unless noted otherwise.
—Chenopodium ambrosioides. (=Dysphania ambrosioides). (500) CHEN-2. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
5 grams: $18.00 This Unit OUT OF STOCK - packets and grams are still available
'EPAZOTE'. An irreplaceable Mexican herb with a unique flavor. Perennial to 4 feet in warm climates. Dense heads of tiny green flowers in drooping spikes. Very aromatic leaves a soft shade of green; stems tinged red and gold. Always added to beans, best near the beginning, to blend the flavor well. A light touch is added to vegetables, soups, casseroles, corn and fish dishes. Delightful tacos are made by lightly cooking a tortilla on one side, adding sprigs of fresh herb, folding over and pressing the edges together to retain the steam until it is cooked through. This causes the essential oils to blend into the dough, giving an intriguing flavor and aroma. Botanists say that epazote is a single species, yet one well-traveled Méxican cook told me of nine distinct varieties. The seeds yield a valuable anthelmintic oil. Germinates irregularly in 1 - 12 weeks warm.
—Chenopodium Berlandieri: See Huazontle in Specialty Vegetables
—Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus. (100) CHEN-4. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
25 grams: $20.00 This Unit OUT OF STOCK - packets and 5 grams are still available
'GOOD KING HENRY', 'MERCURY', 'FAT-HEN'. Hardy perennial to 2 1/2 feet, with dark green tasty leaves that are eaten cooked like spinach. The young stalks can be peeled and eaten like asparagus. Set out 1 foot apart and it will give abundant greens for years. Zone 5. Germinates in 1 - 5 weeks, some lots dormant and need GA-3 or KNO3.
—Chenopodium giganteum. (1000) CHEN-20. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 Pound: $25.00
Pound: $75.00
Click for photo » Chenopodium giganteum7.jpg (35250 bytes) Chenopodium giganteum5.jpg (38998 bytes)
'PURPLE GOOSEFOOT', 'TREE SPINACH'. Young leaves are a striking iridescent magenta-red with crystalline red powder. Long panicles of flowers. The stem is striped red and is very strong for its light weight due to a spiral twist. Large tall annual to 6 - 8 feet. Birds are fond of the seeds, and the leaves have been used as a spinach in the Mediterranean, by South African Bantu, and here in the U.S. Tender young leaves are good in salads. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks, best with KNO3 or GA-3.
—Chenopodium pallidicaule La Paz. (75) CHEN-24. Packet: $3.50
'KAINWA', 'ISWALLA HUPA'. Annual to 1 - 2 feet, with large seed stalks that ripen yellow to red. Cultivated for the nutritious seed in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia, in dry cold areas to 13,000 feet, where quinoa won't grow. Seed contains about 16% protein, and yields 400 - 3000 kilos/ha. Young leaves contain up to 30% protein dry weight. Daylength neutral, and has ripened crops in Finland. Heirloom variety with blackish seed, grown on the altiplano of La Paz, Bolivia. Has lower saponins than quinoa. Germinates in a week.
—Chenopodium Quinoa 'Brilliant Rainbow'. (100) CHEN-25BR. Packet: $2.50 OTC ORGANIC SEED
Ounce: $10.00
Reselected from Rainbow for the brightest, most brilliant colors. Nice! Germinates in a week.
'QUINOA'. An important high-protein (12 - 19%) grain of the Andes, with good amino acid balance and 58% starch. A staple for millions of Andeans, the development of low-elevation types is helping its spread. Seed washed in water before cooking to remove saponins which protect from pests. Hardy, easily grown annual to 4 - 6 feet, with large seedheads. The leaves, stem-tips and young flowers are excellent in salads, having a mild sweet flavor, and very succulent. Also good cooked like spinach or added to soups. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Chenopodium sanctae-clarae. (25) CHEN-30. Packet: $6.00

Endangered shrub to 3 feet, with green, oak-like edible leaves. Endemic to the coast of Santa Clara Island off the coast of Chile, only 100 plants are left in the wild. Zone 9. Surface sow, 3 - 6 weeks. GA-3 helps germination. For more seeds and plants grown by plant-explorer Ben Kamm, including many Andean rarities, see his website at www.sacredsucculents.com
—vulvaria. (250) CHEN-42. Packet: $2.50

'STINKING GOOSEFOOT'. Peculiar low grey annual to 1 foot, with tiny clustered flowers. Europe. Has a 'fishy' odor, sometimes dogs will roll in it, and I've heard it called 'dog-nip'.


LILIACEAE. Hardy, drought resistant bulbs native to California. Valued for their striking clumps of narrow, wavy-margined leaves, topped by large, airy clusters of six-petaled flowers. Easily grown and should be in every California garden. Best sown in fall, or give cold treatment.
—Chlorogalum pomeridianum. (25) CHLG-16. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
25 grams: $25.00

'NOSH' (Yuki name), 'AMOLE', 'SOAP PLANT'. Star-like white 1" flowers with six narrow, purple-veined, recurved petals, in large airy clusters to 1 - 5 feet tall. The flowers pop open suddenly at about 4 PM. California. Zone 9. The large bulbs are covered with a thick, fibrous, coconut-like husk, which was used for brushes by the Indians. The bulb itself was pounded for soap, highly valued for washing clothes and hair, which it leaves silky and shiny. Also used as a poison oak remedy, fish poison, for glue, the leaves for green tattoo markings, and the young shoots were roasted for food. Zone 9. Germinates in 4 - 6 weeks at cold temperatures.

COMPOSITAE. A large genus of showy annuals and perennials. Many are remarkably free-flowering, in every shade but blue. Excellent for cutting, lasting well in water. Most like a light, well-drained soil. Full sun. The perennials will last for years in the garden. Some make attractive pot plants. The are easy from seed sown in spring, 1/8 - 1/4" deep, to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks, some kinds up to 5 weeks. Space 1 - 2 feet apart. Well-loved garden favorites for centuries, reaching their peak of cultivation in the Orient. Seed of various kinds viable 1 - 10 years.
NEW—Chrysanthemum carinatum Mixed, (500) CHRY-12X. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $7.50
1/4 pound: $20.00
'PAINTED DAISY'. Colorful mix of red, yellow, orange, white and purple 2 1/2" daisies with dark centers and often banded with a darker ring. Popular hardy annual to 2 feet, with deeply cut leaves. Morocco. An old cottage garden favorite, good for cutting, and giving lots of bloom for little care.
—Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. (50) CHRY-14. Packet: $2.50
Click for photo » Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium3.jpg (89404 bytes)
'DALMATIAN PYRETHRUM'. White inch-wide daisies with a strong spicy scent. Hardy perennial to 12 - 16", with many slender stems and silvery leaves. Dalmatia. Zone 6. Grown on a large scale for the production of the flowers which are powdered for insecticide. Likes dry, sunny, well-drained soil, and lives 6 - 25 years. Pick flowers when fully developed, but just before opening. Well-drained soil. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks, best with KNO3 and light.

CIMICIFUGA: See Reserved Access page.

CIRSIUM (SIR-see-um)
COMPOSITAE. North Hemisphere biennials and perennials. Easily grown and not particular as to soil.
Cirsium echinocephalum. (20) CIRS-20. Packet: $2.50
'PLUME THISTLE'. Purple to red flowers in spiky heads in summer. Hardy perennial to 1 foot, with attractive marbled foliage. Eastern Europe. Zone 5. Germinates in 1 - 5 weeks.

"Freedom means you can do and say what you want. It also means people you don't like can say and do things that you dislike. That's part of the deal. Most people are unclear on this very simple concept."

LEGUMINOSAE. 'YELLOW-WOOD'. Beautiful and hardy medium-sized deciduous trees grown for their showy flowers and handsome pinnate foliage. Thrives in almost any soil. Sow in spring. "One of the most beautiful flowering native trees."—L. H. Bailey.
—Cladrastis lutea. (25) CLAS-2. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $10.00
Ounce: $30.00
'YELLOW WOOD'. Fragrant, creamy white, inch-long flowers in showy, drooping, 10 - 20" long panicles in June. Bright green 3 - 4" long leaflets turn bright yellow in fall. To 40 to 60 feet. SE U.S. Hardy to Zone 3. The close-grained, bright yellow wood yields a clear yellow dye. Soak seed, nick hard ones, germinates in 1 - 4 weeks.

ONAGRACEAE. Showy, easily grown hardy annuals of western N. America and southern S. America. They make a wonderful display in any sunny place. Best in light soil, and stands part shade. Gives the best display in nitrogen-poor soil. Excellent for borders, bedding, naturalizing in the meadow, and they make good cut-flowers. Sow in March where they are to flower, or in fall in a sheltered place in mild climates. Germinates in 5 - 20 days. Seed half-life over 8 years. Named for Captain Clark of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
—Clarkia amoena 'Dwarf Mix'. (3000) CLAR-4DX. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $5.00
1/4 Pound: $15.00

'FAREWELL TO SPRING'. Large pink and white 3 - 5" cup-shaped flowers. Showy annual to 8 - 14". California. Blooms in 14 weeks and makes a nice cut flower. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Clarkia rhomboidea. (100) CLAR-21. Packet: $2.50
Click for photo » Clarkia rhomboidea 2.jpg (22193 bytes) Clarkia rhomboidea3.jpg (15312 bytes)

'DIAMOND CLARKIA'. Lavender to pinkish inch-wide flowers with darker spots. Hardy annual to 3 feet. Western U.S. Both the petals and seeds are somewhat diamond-shaped. The seeds were eaten by the Yana. Germinates in 2 - 6 weeks.
—Clarkia unguiculata. (=elegans) (1000) CLAR-24. Packet: $2.00
Ounce: $6.00
1/4 Pound: $15.00
'MOUNTAIN GARLAND'. Rose and white 1 - 2" flowers in slender spikes. Hardy annual to 3 feet, making a showy display in masses. Individually, the flowers, with their delicately clawed petals, are things of beauty. California. Excellent wildflower for naturalizing. The parched, ground seeds were eaten with acorn mush. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks at cool temperatures.

RANUNCULACEAE. 'VIRGIN'S BOWER' Prized woody vines and herbs grown for their showy flowers often followed by attractive, silvery, puff-like seed-heads. They do best in a rich, well-drained, light loamy soil on the alkaline side. Add a little lime when planting and give a yearly mulch of manure or compost for best results. Give a cool, shaded root zone. The vine types are good for covering walls, arbors, balconies, etc., and the bushy types in the flower garden. Seed best sown shallowly in October to February, or give 2 - 6 months cold treatment, to germinate in about 25 - 60 days, with some stragglers taking up to 2 years. Seed viable 1 - 3 years or more. Smoke treatment may help germination.
—Clematis heracleifolia. (25) CLEM-52. Packet: $2.50
Tubular blue inch-long flowers with recurved petal tips and a fragrance resembling sweet violets. Very hardy perennial subshrub to 3 feet. E. China. Zone 3. Blooms in August and September. Easy from seed, which germinates in 2 - 3 weeks warm.
—Clematis stans. (50) CLEM-104. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50

Blue tubular fragrant 1/2" flowers with recurved petal tips, resembling miniature heracleifolia flowers. Hardy perennial shrubby plant to 3 - 6 feet, with large 6" lobed leaflets. Japan. Full sun to almost full shade, and stands tree roots well. "What they lack in size, they make up for in numbers. The second year it really got our attention. The flowers are scented of sweet violets."—Bertrand. Germinates in 3 - 6 weeks.
—Clematis O.P. F-2 Hybrids. (25) CLEM-F2H. Packet: $2.50

Large flowers in pink and purple shades.
NEW—Clematis terniflora. (25) CLEM-108. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $9.00
'SWEET AUTUMN CLEMATIS'. White, very sweetly fragrant flowers in late summer, on a vigorous hardy climber. Japan. Hardy to Zone 5 at least. Germinates in 2 - 5 months warm.

CLEOME (klay-O-may)
CAPPARIDACEAE. 'SPIDER FLOWER'. Interesting and showy-flowered hardy annuals and tender perennials. The unusual flowers have long dark purple spidery stamens and variously colored showy, long stalked petals. Heat and drought resistant, they are fascinating plants for the sunny border. Prefers sandy soil. Irregular germination. Start indoors in March to flower freely from June to frost. They also make excellent pot plants for the greenhouse, doing well in 6" pots. Outdoors, start in May where they are to grow, and thin to 1 - 2 feet apart.
—Cleome serrulata. See Reserved Access page.
Cleome spinosa Varieties: 'Spider Flower'.
The popular half hardy annual to 3 - 4 feet tall. Makes a showy display in the border, their airy heads of powerfully scented spidery flowers with blue or purple 3" long stamens are attractive from June till frost, and the palmate foliage is quite pleasing. Sow on the surface, seed needs light, germinates in 2 - 3 weeks, and KNO3 helps improve percentage.
NEW—Cleome spinosa 'Cherry Queen'. (250) CLEO-5C. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $7.50
Click for photo » Cleome.jpg (115365 bytes)
Deep carmine-rose flowers. Hardy annual to 3 feet.
—Cleome spinosa 'Color Fountain'. (250) CLEO-5CF. Packet: $2.50
25 grams: $9.00

Nice mix of pure white, pale pink, and rosy violet flowers on plants to 5 feet tall. Germinates in 2 - 5 weeks.
NEW—Cleome spinosa 'Linde Armstrong'. (50) CLEO-5LA. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $12.00

Pink to rose flowers on a true dwarf Cleome to only 12 - 18". Hardy annual. Nice!

CLITORIA (kli-TOR-ee-a)
LEGUMINOSAE. Easily grown tropical vines and shrubs with pinnate leaves and showy flowers. (Yes, it is named after what it sounds like—an alleged resemblance in the flower!)
Clitoria Ternatea. (20) CLI-23. Packet: $3.00
5 grams: $7.50 (about 100 seed)
Click for photo » Clitoria Ternatea 2a.JPG (84958 bytes)
Nice Flower Photo
Info and Photos
Info on use as a tropical forage
'BUTTERFLY PEA'. Deep rich blue 1 1/2" flowers with markings on the standard. Tender twiner to 10 - 15 feet, with 2 - 6" leaves and 4 1/2" pods. Tropical Asia. Considered sacred in India, the flowers are used to dye rice cerulean blue. Good in the greenhouse and in hanging baskets. Good cut flowers. Soak, nick hard seed, seed to germinate in 1 - 4 weeks.

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