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2025 SEEDLIST - U - V
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UMBILICUS (um-BIL-i-kus)
CRASSULACEAE. Succulent perennials from tuberous roots. Some fairly hardy.
Goes dormant after blooming. Likes moist soil, but rest dry.
NEW—Umbilicus rupestris. (1000) UMBI-21. Packet: $2.50
1/10 gram: $7.50
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'PENNY-PIES'. Round, rubbery 1 - 3" wide succulent leaves and small
yellow-green flowers marked with reddish dots in long drooping 12" spikes
in spring. Forms a small caudex. England to the Mediterranean. Fairly hardy.
Zone 7. Use GA-3 to germinate in 2 - 3 weeks.
UNGNADIA (oon-ga-NA-dee-a)
SAPINDACEAE. A single species. Seed viable 3 years.
—Ungnadia speciosa. (10) UNGN-4. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $10.00, 1/4 Pound: $35.00
'TEXAN' or 'MEXICAN BUCKEYE'. Fragrant inch-wide rose flowers in April to May,
before the leaves. Large pinnate shining leaves. Small tree to 10 - 30 feet. S.
Texas and N. México. A beautiful and fast growing drought tolerant tree that
can flower when 3 years old. Try it in mild (Zone 8) climates outside its range,
such as California. The large black seeds are used as marbles, but cause
'giddiness' if eaten. Germinates in a month or so.
URTICA (UR-ti-ka)
URTICACEAE. Widespread genus of valuable perennials and annuals with stinging
hairs. Easily grown in rich moist soil in sun or part shade.
—Urtica atrovirens ssp. Bianorii. (50)
URTI-1B. Packet: $4.00
'MALLORCA NETTLE'. Low perennial with unusual attractive leaves with deeply
toothed margins and inflated spots on the surface. Striking! Endemic to the
Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Zone 7. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks.
—Urtica dioica. (500) URTl-3. Packet: $2.50
'STINGING NETTLE'. Hardy perennial to 4 - 6 feet, with large oval leaves and
clustered tiny green flowers. N. Hemisphere. Zone 2. Young tops are a delicious
potherb, and are made into wine and beer. Stem fibers provide strong cordage,
and were made into cloth and paper. Leaves, seeds, and roots are valuable
medicinals. Good butterfly plant, and valuable poultry and stock feed. Used as a
rennet, and roots for yellow dye. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks.
VACCINIUM (vac-SIN-ee-um)
ERICACEAE. Mostly hardy shrubs and trees grown for ornament and their edible
berries. Evergreen or deciduous, with bell or urn-shaped flowers, ranging from
the arctic to mountains in the tropics. Good in the shrubbery, border and wild
garden. Bright autumn foliage. Sow on the surface. Some germinate readily,
others need 2 weeks to 3 months cold. Begins to germinate in a month, and some
come up for a year. Fall sowing is good.
—Vaccinium ovatum. (500) VACC-20. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $15.00
'BOX BLUEBERRY', 'EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY'. Abundant black 1/3" berries
on a spreading evergreen shrub to 3 - 8 feet. Pink and white waxen bell-shaped
flowers and leathery dark green shining leaves. B.C. to California. Zone 7. The
berries are juicy and delicious, excellent for pies. The foliage is popular
winter decoration. Give 3 months cold.
—Vaccinium parvifolium. (500) VACC-25. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
'RED HUCKLEBERRY'. Showy bright red berries on a spreading, slow-growing
shrub to 6 - 18 feet. Small pinkish white 1/4" flowers in April and May.
Alaska to California. Zone 6. The tart, delicious fruit are fine for jams, pies,
etc. They were dried for winter use by the Indians. Sow in fall or give 3 months
cold. Both flowering and fruiting branches good for indoor decoration.
—Vaccinium uliginosum. (100) VACC-38. Packet: $2.50
dark blue-black fruits on a low shrub to 2 feet, with small pink flowers. North
Hemisphere. Zone 2. The delicious fruits are eaten raw or preserved, said to
cause 'giddiness' if eaten to excess.
—Vaccinium Vitis-idaea. (200) VACC-40. Packet: $2.50
creeping evergreen to 10" tall. Shining leaves and white or rose
bell-shaped flowers in nodding clusters. Arctic regions. Zone 2. Handsome
groundcover for acid soil in part shade. Give constant moisture in hot summer
areas. The tiny cranberries turn sour after frost, and are esteemed for
preserves and syrups. Highly valued in the far north. Surface sow, germinates in
4 - 7 weeks.
VALERIANA (va-le-ree-A-na)
VALERIANACEAE. Perennials and shrubs native to all continents except
Australia and Antarctica. Easily grown medicinal and ornamental hardy
—Valeriana officinalis. (100) VAL-12. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $10.00
'VALERIAN', 'GARDEN HELIOTROPE'. Large clusters of tiny white flowers with a
spicy scent, June to September. Hardy perennial to 3 - 5 feet, with handsome
pinnate foliage. Europe. Zone 3. Best in damp areas. Forms nice colonies with
age. Cats are attracted to the plant. The strong-scented rhizomes are an ancient
medicine, affecting the nervous system and commonly used as a sedative and
anti-anxiety remedy; the original 'valium'. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks, best in
light, and GA-3 may help.
VANCOUVERIA (van-koo-ver-EE-a)
BERBERIDACEAE. Several species of rhizomatous woodland perennials from W N.
America. Grow in shady moist places.
—Vancouveria hexandra. (20) VANC-8. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $10.00
'INSIDE-OUT FLOWER'. Peculiar nodding white 1/2" flowers in airy
clusters, each opening so that they resemble a typical trumpet-shaped flower,
but with the stem in the throat. Hardy perennial to 18", with Thalictrum-like
foliage. Moist shady forests, Washington to California. Give warm/cold/warm.
VELTHEIMIA (velt-HI-mee-a)
LILIACEAE. Several species of easily grown South African bulbous plants with
nodding tubular flowers and strap-like leaves. Good outdoors in California and
the South, or as a tub plant in the North. Rest dry after foliage dies and water
again in fall.
—Veltheimia bracteata. (10) VELT-8. Packet:
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Yellow or reddish nodding inch-long tubular flowers in dense clusters on
leafless spikes. Deep green, wavy-margined leaves. South Africa. Zone 9.
Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks.
SCROPHULARIACEAE. Showy tall hardy Eurasian biennials and perennials, valued
in the border and wild garden. Most do well in any soils except cold wet ones.
Full sun. Most are easy from seed which germinates in 1 - 3 weeks at warm
temperatures. Some need light.
—Verbascum blattaria var. albiflorum. (1000) VERS-5A. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
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'WHITE MOTH MULLEIN'. Creamy-white inch wide five-petalled flowers in many open
1 - 2 foot spikes to 5 feet tall. Hardy biennial with broadly toothed leaves.
Eurasia. Likes well-drained soil. Makes long lasting cut flowers. Good bee
plant, and moths visit the flowers. Named 'Blattaria' because it is said
to repel cockroaches (Blatta). "Very showy plant."—I.
Grabo. Zone 5. Germinates in 2 weeks, but some lots dormant, and need GA-3.
—Verbascum Chaixii f. album 'Wedding Candles'. (500) VERS-7A. Packet: $2.50
1/4 gram: $7.50
Gram: $18.00
Pure white inch-wide flowers with violet stamens, in dense, multi-branched
spikes in summer. Hardy perennial to 3 feet, with grey-green downy leaves. S. Europe. Zone 4. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks warm.
—Verbascum nigrum Wild Type. (1000) VERS-32. Packet: $2.50
Grams: $7.50
'BLACK MULLIEN'. Yellow flowers with dark centers in spikes in summer. Hardy
biennial or perennial to 4 feet, with rosettes of basal leaves. Eurasia. Zone 4.
—Verbascum olympicum. (1000) VERS-34. Packet: $2.50
Grams: $7.50
Magnificent, densely white-woolly biennial or perennial to 5 - 6 feet, with
inch-wide bright yellow flowers in long spikes in June to August. Greece. Zone 6
- 8, sometimes grown as an annual. Full sun.
—Verbascum phoeniceum Hybrids. (1000) VERS-36H. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $12.00
'PURPLE MULLIEN'. Mixed shades of white, pink, salmon, and purple. Hardy
perennial to 3 feet. Europe. Excellent in the border and moist spots. "Magnificent
plants that have survived in my Zone 3 garden and at the Anchorage Botanical
Gardens through the last 3 years, one of those the worst on record. Mine had no
snow cover or mulch that year and we recorded frost to a depth of 6 feet! I did
not lose one plant!"—Rhonda Williams, Alaska, 1/97.
—Verbascum phoeniceum 'Violetta'. (500) VERS-36V. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
A lovely variety with dark purple-violet flowers in long spikes in May to
August. Will rebloom after deadheading. To 3 feet. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Verbascum Thapsus. (1000) VERS-45. Packet: $2.50
10 grams: $9.00 BULK OUT OF STOCK - packets are still
inch-wide flowers in dense cylindrical spikes to 6 - 8 feet tall. Hardy biennial
forming handsome ground-hugging velvety rosettes of soft foot-long leaves.
Eurasia, naturalized widely. Zone 3. Full sun to part shade, dry poor soil. The
downy leaves have been used as tinder, the stalks, dipped in tallow, as torches
since ancient times. Throughout its range it is highly valued medicinally and
believed to drive away evil spirits—it was used by Ulysses for protection
against Circe. The seeds were used as a fish poison, the leaves and flowers
highly valued for respiratory diseases, ear infections, as an anodyne,
anti-fungal, etc. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
VERBENA (ver-BAY-na)
VERBENACEAE. 'VERVAIN'. Annuals and perennials prized for their showy, often
fragrant clustered flowers, and some for medicine. Good in the border and wild
garden. Good cut flowers. Sun and heat promotes bloom and they are drought
resistant. Ordinary to dry, rocky soil suits them. Good on walls and banks.
Space 12 - 18". Sow indoors in February and March and set out in May, or
sow perennials where they are to stand. Germinates in 10 - 25 days at 65°F, and
some up to 90 days. Perennials may need 2 - 4 weeks cold treatment. Some need
dark, others light. Seed half life ranges from 1 to 7 years.
—Verbena officinalis. (500) VERB-26. Packet: $2.50
Grams: $7.50
5 grams: $20.00
'TRUE VERVAIN', 'HERB-OF-GRACE'. Small lilac-blue flowers in spikes, on a
hardy perennial to 2 - 3 feet, with divided leaves. Europe. Zone 3. An important
medicinal plant since ancient times, it has a remarkable folk-lore surrounding
it, and was held sacred by the Egyptians, Romans, druids, and witches. Give 8
weeks cold or GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks. Some lots non-dormant.
in 2 - 4 weeks warm, often dormant. Best with 3 months prechill.
—Verbena officinalis grandiflora 'Brampton'. (50) VERB-26B. Packet: $2.50
Abundant lavender to purple flowers on a hardy perennial to 2 feet, with deep purple foliage. Zone 4. Attractive foliage plant.
VERBESINA (ver-be-SEE-na)
COMPOSITAE. Showy plants for the border or wild garden
for summer and fall bloom. Likes light, well-drained soil and sun. Sow indoors
in March, or where they are to grow after danger of frost.
—Verbesina alternifolia.
(100) VEBE-4. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $7.50
Large hardy perennial to 5 - 8 feet. Yellow 2" flowers in August. Narrow
10" leaves. E. N. America. One of the best native bee plants, it is good to
naturalize in woodlands. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks.
NEW—Verbesinia virginica. (50) VEBE-86. Packet: $2.50
'FROSTWEED'. Small white flowers in 6" clusters. Hardy perennial
to 6 feet. E. U.S. Zone 6. Attracts butterflies and bees. The winged stems exude
water when frost hits, creating interesting ribbon-like patterns. Many medicinal
uses among the Indians, who also smoked the leaves like tobacco.
VERONICA (ve-RO-ni-ka)
SCROPHULARIACEAE. 'SPEEDWELL'. Popular annuals and perennials grown in the
rockery or border. Easily grown in ordinary soil. Hardy and free flowering.
Thrives in a bright sunny spot. Germinates in 2 - 4 weeks at warm temperatures.
Some are eaten or used as tea or medicinally.
—Veronica longifolia Mix. (500) VERO-46X. Packet: $2.50
Pink and purple flowers in dense 6 - 10" spikes in summer. Hardy perennial to 3 - 4 feet. Eurasia. Zone 4. Loved by bees. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Veronica officinalis. (100) VERO-62. Packet: $2.50
'TRUE SPEEDWELL'. Clear blue 1/4" flowers in dense spikes to 1 1/2 -
6" long, from May to July, followed by heart-shaped pods. Creeping hardy
perennial to 6 - 18", with 1 - 2" leaves. N. Hemisphere. Zone 3. Will
grow in the shade of trees where no grass will grow, covering the ground with
sod. Once used as a tea. Has many medicinal uses. Give GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 3
weeks, or sow in fall.
VERONICASTRUM (ve-ro-ni-KAS-trum)
SCROPHULARIACEAE. Several species related to Veronica. (=Veronica
and Leptandra virginica)
—Veronicastrum sibiricum. (500) VERU-2. Packet: $2.50
Long graceful spikes of lilac-blue flowers in August and September. Hardy
perennial to 5 feet, with whorls of narrow leaves. E. Siberia. Zone 3.
—Veronicastrum virginicum. (1000) VERU-4. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $16.00
'CULVER'S ROOT'. White flowers in long dense 9" racemes in summer.
Stately hardy perennial to 3 - 7 feet. E. U.S. Zone 3. The acrid root used
medicinally. Germinates in 1 - 10 weeks warm.
"If you're going to get old, you might as well get as old as you can
get."—Wallace Stegner.
CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Ornamental shrubs and small trees grown for their showy
clustered blooms and attractive fruits. Excellent for wildlife plantings, and
valuable wild bird food. Good to naturalize at the edge of woods. "The
viburnums rank among the most valuable ornamental shrubs."—Rehder.
Many need warm then cold to germinate.
—Viburnum edule. (20) VIB-22. Packet $3.00
5 grams: $12.00
Bright red edible 1/2" fruits in fall. Deciduous shrub to 5 feet or so,
with crimson fall foliage. N.E. Asia and N. America. Zone 2 - 4. The fruits are
eaten fresh, preserved, or dried.
—Viburnum Opulus. (50) VIB-47. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $7.50
Ounce: $15.00
3/4" flowers in 4" clusters in May and June, followed by edible
scarlet berries. Shrub to 13 feet. Eurasia. The berries are much like
cranberries and are eaten in northern regions, spirits are distilled from them,
and they are valuable food for birds. Produces 'Cramp Bark' used as a uterine
sedative. Give seed 8 - 12 weeks warm, then 4 - 8 weeks cold, to germinate in 8
—Viburnum trilobum. (100) VIB-69. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $8.00
1/4 Pound: $20.00
clusters in May and June, followed by scarlet berries. Hardy shrub to 12 feet.
Northern N. America. Zone 2. The attractive berries remain on the bush till the
following spring. They were eaten by the Indians, and made into jelly. Harvest
after a hard frost is best. Sow in spring or summer for top growth the next
spring. Root germinates in 2 - 5 months, top growth after a cold period. (=americanum)
VINCETOXICUM (vin-se-TOX-i-cum)
ASCLEPIADACEAE. Twining perennials sometimes classed as Cynanchum.
Wheel or bell-shaped flowers. Easily grown. Name means 'to conquer poison',
alluding to its supposed virtue as an antidote.
—Vincetoxicum fuscatum. (20) VINCE-15. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $7.50
Starry brownish-red flowers in clusters in May to July. Bushy hardy
perennial to 30". Zone 4. Germinates in 1 - 4 weeks with straggler to 5
VIOLA (vee-O-la or vye-O-la)
VIOLACEAE. 'VIOLET'. A large genus of many attractive annuals and
perennials. Most are best in a rich moist soil and part shade. The perennials
may be sown any time, spring to fall, and some do best with overwintering or 2
weeks cold treatment. Germinates best in darkness, in 10 - 20 days. Seed
half-life ranges from 1 - 6 years. GA-3 helps.
—Viola cornuta 'Bowles Black'. (100) VIOL-27B. Packet: $3.00
BLACK PANSY'. Small velvety black-violet flowers with yellow eyes,
abundantly produced May to September. Compact 6" plants. Zone 5. Self-sows.
Also called V. nigra, and V. tricolor E. A. Bowles. Rich soil and
part shade best. Germinates readily in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Viola labradorica 'Purpurea'. (=Viola riviniana 'Purpurea') (50) VIOL-68P.
Packet: $3.00
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'LABRADOR VIOLET'. Porcelain-blue 3/4" flowers in April to June. Tiny
hardy perennial to 6", with attractive dark purplish foliage. Northern N.
America and Greenland. Zone 2. Choice! Very hardy. Germination is irregular, 1 -
40 weeks, cold may help.
—Viola 'nigra'. (100) VIOL-76. Packet: $2.50
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'BLACK VIOLET', Small deep black flowers with a blue and yellow eye.
—Viola odorata 'Queen Charlotte'. (75) VIOL-83C. Packet: $2.50
Gram: $9.00
Highly fragrant, long-stemmed, inch-wide blue flowers, February to April,
good for cutting or forcing. Perennial to 8", with heart-shaped leaves.
Zone 5 - 7. Give GA-3 or 8 weeks prechill to germinate in 2 - 6 weeks or more.
—Viola odorata 'Royal Wedding'. (25) VIOL-83RW. Packet: $3.50
Abundant pure white flowers are highly fragrant, in early spring and again in fall. Nice compact hardy perennial to 8". Give GA-3 or 8 weeks prechill.
—Viola sororia 'Albiflora'. (50) VIOL-126A. Packet: $2.50
Pure white flowers with a dark eye, in spring and early summer. Hardy
rhizomatous perennial 6". E. N. America. Zone 3. Leaves and flowers eaten
in salads and soups. Prechill seed.
—Viola tricolor Wild Type. (250) VIOL-132W. Packet: $2.50
'HEARTSEASE', 'WILD PANSY'. Tiny 1/2" three-colored flowers, purple,
yellow, and white. Free-branching annual or short-lived perennial to 8",
with heart shaped leaves. N. Hemisphere. Zone 3. The wild ancestor of garden
pansies. Was much used in love charms; this is mentioned in Shakespeare's Midsummer
Night's Dream. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
—Viola x wittrockiana Black. (100) VIOL-142B. Packet: $2.50
5 grams: $15.00
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'BLACK PANSY'. Large black flowers with a yellow eye. Germinates in 1 - 2 weeks.
VITEX (VYE-tex or VEE-tex)
VERBENACEAE. Ornamental trees and shrubs valued for their attractive spikes
of showy colorful flowers. Almost any soil. Prefers full sun. Easy from seed in
spring, and up to 90 days cold may help some. Germinates best with gibberellic
—Vitex Agnus-castus. (100) VITE-1. Packet: $2.50
1/4 Ounce: $7.50
Ounce: $16.00
'CHASTE TREE', 'MONK'S PEPPER'. Fragrant lilac flowers in dense 5 - 7"
spikes at the branch-tips, from July to September. Strongly aromatic shrub or
small tree to 10 - 25 feet, with divided leaves, dark green above and greyish
below. Mediterranean region. Hardy to Zone 6. Cultivated since at least 1570.
Branches used in basket-work. The seeds were used as a pepper substitute by
monks, as they were said to lessen sexual desire. Give GA-3 or 6 weeks cold to
germinate in 1 - 3 weeks.
VITIS (VEE-tis or VYE-tis)
VITACEAE. Tendril-climbing woody vines of the North Hemisphere, grown for
their clustered berries and for ornament. Valued for wine making since ancient
times. Cold usually helps germination.
NEW—Vitis vinifera. (100) VITI-100. Packet: $2.50
Ounce: $9.00
'WINE GRAPE'. Tall climbing vine to 30 feet, with clustered small flowers
followed by grapes used for wine or eaten, and the young leaves used to wrap
dolmades (pronounced dol-MA-thays), Greek stuffed vine leaves. Zone 5b. Prechill
8 - 12 weeks.